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"two orders of glass noodles, jimin!"

jimin nodded and immediately put the pre prepared glass noodles on the stove, as he stirred soup and took a boiling pot of rice off of the stove. he hummed absentmindedly as he poured water down the drain, and put the rice in a colander and took out a plate.

jimin plated the rice carefully and put a vegetable curry in a small bowl, and put in on the counter. he rang a bell so that a server could take it before rushing back to the noodles, which he plated along with the soup, and rang the bell twice more.

it was nearly ten o'clock, closing time, so jimin began tidying up the kitchen. he only had to prepare one more fish before he closed up the kitchen. usually, he had two other chefs working with him, but wednesdays were slow and so tonight it was just him.

he took off his gloves and went to help the only server who hasn't gone home for the night close up.

"so, hoseok hyung," he began, wiping the counter. "how are you?"

hoseok scowled at the name. "it's hobi. and yeah, i'm fine. you?"

jimin hummed in response, and washed his hands. "i'm alright. how's your boyfriend, huh?"

hobi blushed. "not my boyfriend. but he's good, yeah."

jimin rolled his eyes. "you knew who i was talking about, no?"

hobi threw his wipe at jimin, who dodged and chuckled. he loved to tease his elder.

"my friend, jungkook, is flying out from busan. i told him that he could stay with me for a bit, but i haven't asked yoongi hyung about it yet." hobi continued.

jimin wiggled his eyebrows. "and he'd be interrupting quite a bit, huh?"

hobi blushed. "shut up. but anyway, he's 20 and i want you guys to meet. he's a model, actually."

jimin's eyes widened. "a model? wow. that's impressive. how long will he stay with you?"

hobi sighed. "i'm still not sure if yoongi hyung will even be okay with him staying, and even he does our apartment is small for three people. he's flying out because he has a shoot here, so it'll be about a week. but, he plans on moving here eventually."

jimin seemed to pick up on what hobi was hinting at, but he tried to ignore it. there's no way he could let a stranger live with him. even for a few days.

"if his agency is sending him out then why doesn't he have a hotel?" jimin asked.

hobi sighed. "he might be a great model, but his agency isn't very good and they're often low on money. if they're low on money it often comes down on their models, meaning there might be a hotel but there won't be any food." hobi laughed. "that's why he'll move here. he wants a better job. modelling won't last forever."

jimin nodded at hobi's rant. if jungkook was a friend of hobi's, then he couldn't be that bad. and he was twenty, just a kid. how could he let him stay in a hotel?

"you know, hobi hyung..." he began, "if you want, and if he's okay with it... he could stay with me." he sucked in a breath, praying that hobi would say no, that wouldn't be necessary, but thanks for the offer--

"that would be wonderful, jiminie, thank you!"

jimin tried not to visibly wilt, and instead smiled at hobi. "of course, hyung."


after locking up, jimin drove to his apartment. he got inside, and quickly changed and brushed his teeth, and went to bed. no, he didn't go to bed hungry-- jimin didn't really get hungry anymore.

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