No more

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Ian's POV :
I walked back home and I was soaking wet...I didn't care though...all I was thinkin about was Hailey...
She didn't get my calls...
She waited...
I moved on cuz I'm an idiot...
I didn't want to cry again...cuz I know I got nothing to do about it...shes gone...she hates me more than ever...and I still have Amy waiting in the house...I know Hailey said Amy wants to kill her...which still makes me believe that Hailey is kinda...idk I don't want to think that she's crazy but that's pretty creepy to think about...

Sara's POV :
I saw Ian walk in, water dripping off of him...
" hey...where's Hailey ? " I smiled a little
" um...yea she might not come back again " he said as he walked down the hallway
...'might not come back again'..? What the hell happened with them...??
I followed him and said " woah wait what ?! What do mean ?! What happene-" he cut me off " she just might not come back again okay ?! I fucked up !! And it'll be a fuckin miracle if she forgives me..." He walked in his room and closed the he serious...?
Then Miss Shit Face walked to me " I guess we won't be seeing your little friend anymore "
I hated this girl so much !! I swear I can just rip her head off her body !! " Fuck off Amy! I really don't want to see your face " I walked back to the living room
" oh well I'm sorry about your'll find someone else...I's not that hard to replace's not like she has anything good about her !! " she gave me one of her annoying laughs that just makes me want to jump off a fuckin cliff
" listen...I'm not even gonna say your name cuz I don't have that shit in my can say whatever the hell u want..." I stepped closer to her making sure I was close enough so I could look down at her " but I swear if u talk about my COUSIN'll wake up with your heart out of your body and your brain pulled out of your ass hole " I smile and walked away giving her the finger
" well... at least I'm better than her by having Ian...and she can't do anything about it "
I tried to hold myself and I walked into mine and Anthony's room
I can't stay like this anymore...I know Hailey told me not to tell Ian but this is just too far...she's a fuckin bitch and she deserves nothing !!
"Anthony...I'm gonna show Ian that video.." I change and put on a random over sized shirt then lay down on the bed next to him
" woah but didn't Hailey tell you not to sho-"
" yea I know what she said...but this girl is taking it way too far...and she doesn't even deserve to breath..."
I turn the lights off and turn my back to him...
Tomorrow is gonna be amazing...
No more shits living in this house...

Is this a dream ? ( Smosh/Ian Hecox fanfiction )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ