Getting ready

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I woke up early today at 9 am, don't even ask me why...I just did, so I decided to watch some youtube videos.
I opened youtube to see a new video from Anthony's channel, it started as I clicked on it

Anthony : "hey guys I'm here with my lovely girlfriend Sara " he points the camera at her

" what up peeps ! " she says as both of them start laughing

" ok well as most of you may know, me and Sara have been dating for 2 years aaaand we decided to take it to the next level " says Anthony as he smirks then chuckled looking at Sara

" Anthony proposed !" Sara exclaimed smiling wide then Anthony lifted up her hand to 'prove' that she had a ring

" I'm sorry it wasn't special babe I ju-"

" hey !! It was the cutest thing ever !!! And I LOVE it !!" She smiled wide looking straight in his eyes. I know this sounds stupid, but it's so amazing how you can tell how much they love each other just from the look in their eyes.

" Awww Sara...well as long as you liked it " he gives her a 4 second kiss and she smiles and leans her head on his ( she's 5'8 ) " I hope u guys like her as much as I do...she means the world to me, and our marriage is in 3 weeks ! So I'll see you guys very soon we love you "

- bye ! - they both said at the same time and the video ended.

Awww that was adorable ! They are so cute together !! I decided to take a look at the comments and see what some assholes have to say.

As I went through them, most of them were

* Awww congrats *

and * Awww they're in love *

and * Awww they are so cute together *

but then the asses had to come
* oh so now he's marring another one...I see...he's such a slut wtf Anthony ?! Ian is better *

and * who the hell is she ?! She's horrible ?! What do you see in her ?! Kalel is better ! *

Honestly I just wish she doesn't read any of these...they are amazing together and I hope they stay like that.

Oh then there were the one that actually made me laugh * WTF ANTHONY !!!??? YOU CANT MARRY ANOTHER ONE !! I THOGHT YOU LEFT KALEL TO BE WITH ME ?! BUT NOO !! UH !! IM SO BETTER ANT !!! * so many exclamation points, was all I couldn't think of really.
Yeaa...It actually made me feel better after I read the previous ones, I closed my laptop and my mom walked in " hey uh we need to go shopping "

" uugh WHYYY ?! " I HATED shopping. And I never understood why all girls like it ! It's just painful and you keep searching and searching and searching forever and then you go home with nothing and your legs are left there crying !!

" because we are leaving after 3 days and you need to get a dress for the wedding and some clothes an-"

" woah woah woah woah...WOAH !! Why should I get the dress now ? I'm gonna be picking it with Sara, she told me that I will help her with hers and she'll help me with mine and she told me not to buy a dress cuz she wants to pick it with me " I said explaining

" oh well...alright but u do need some clothes it's July and u dont really have that many shorts or dresses ? " she did have a point there...

" alright fine...let's go "


After I got back home it was already 9 pm, this is what happens when you go shopping for ' one thing '. How the hell did the time go by that fast ?! Well I guess I should watch something and then go to sleep.

And that's what I did, at 11 o'clock I was sound asleep




That's it guys I hope u liked it !! Make sure to vote and follow and all that stuff that I still don't know much about....and yea I'll see you later with another chapter.

Love ya, bye



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