01: New Friend

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8 years later.

I opened my eyes just in time to hear Mrs Song slam down a textbook.

"Ms Kang," Mrs Song spoke in a cold tone, "Sorry for awakening you."

I lifted up my head immediately and noticed everyone had their eyes on me.


"Ah, it's okay," I said naively.

"Perhaps you should get out and continue your sleep then." Mrs Song ordered and others started giggling.

"No no no," I chuckled nervously, "Im fine now, Mrs Song. I'm awake."

Mrs Song thought for a moment with crossed arms, "Alright then, 3 hours detention."

My jaw dropped. My family has plan to throw a birthday celebration for me after I finish school today, I can't go home late!


"No 'buts',"Mrs Song walked away without even looking at her, "Decision made."


I groaned to myself before entering the detention room. I scanned around to see if there's anyone I know so I can go sit with them instead of sitting alone.

I noticed there was a boy gawking at me, his eyes wide opened.

What's wrong with him?

"You okay?" I hesitant before waving at him, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"You're Kang Hana from 6-2 class, right?" He finally spoke, his voice deep and husky.

"Uh, yeah," I nodded and slowly sat down in the seat beside him.

He grinned, "You're quite short though."

Ouch. Who is he to insult me like that? "Excuse me?"

He slightly smirked, revealing a hint of cockiness. He ruffled his dark, permed hair, his cocoa eyes glazed over me.

"Why are you here though?"

"Sleeping in class," I sighed, closing my eyes. "I really don't know why it's such a big deal though. How do they expect us to stay awake for hours?"

"This school sucks," he said lazily, leaning back, "You know how I got here? Hehe, I poured ink on the history teacher's chair and he went crazy! Someone should've recorded his face."

"Wow," I grimaced, forcing myself to clap. "Impressive."

Who the hell is this dude?

The atmosphere turned awkward real fast and I decided to faked a yawn, resting my head on my arm.

I heard him unwrapping candies and he spoke, "You're gonna sleep?"

"Yeah," I mumbled, my eyelids starting to felt heavy.

"Goodnight then," he laughed, revealing his boxy grin.

"I'm Taehyung, by the way."


A/N: yoyoyo wassup how was your day? :p


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