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The beat of the music pounds loudly as we make our way into the centre of the room, Reece's grip on my hand never loosening in the slightest. Despite there not being that many people, a part of me feels watched by everyone in the room, and I can't allow myself to loosen up once Reece starts dancing. He sways around, his hips loose and his smile wide. He moves my arm as he goes but I barely react, glancing around with wide eyes. He then brings me closer by the waist, making me let out an inaudible squeak, before I feel his breath fanning over my neck, making a shiver run down my spine.

"Baby," He starts, making me whimper and grip onto him tightly, with my nails digging into his arm slightly, "you gotta worry less about what people think and more about having fun. You look gorgeous in any situation, just... let yourself go." He breathes out, and I keep my eyes closed as he moves away simply because of the effect having him so close has on me. And the worst part is that he knows it... I can tell the little bitch knows by the way a large smirk forms on his face, and the way he lightly bites his lower lip. He takes my hands once again, trying to make me dance like him, and eventually I decide to listen to him; he is right about me caring too much about what others say. It's not how I want to live, and I would maybe it's about time I changed my thoughts. With that in mind, I attempt to forget about everyone surrounding us and I focus purely on Reece and the background music, pounding through the walls and making my heartbeat shake with it. I move around, watching Reece and attempting to imitate him, and eventually I just let out a loud laugh, moving my arms as well.

I really hadn't realised how great it felt to let lose a little; how just by dancing I could feel like I'm in another word. Don't get me wrong, I'm fully aware that I suck, but at this point I don't even care. At this point I'm too happy to care. I continue swaying and moving my arms around, messing around with Reece and both of us smiling wildly. The person singing has a straight-up rock voice, and provides a good beat.

Being so endorsed in the music, I hadn't realised when Reece stopped dancing, his smile dropping, his gaze on something far behind me; I hadn't noticed the distance of his eyes or the way his face paled entirely. I only notice when he pulls me close, his grip deadly tight.

"We need to go." He rushes out quickly, making me look at him in protest.

"What? No! I was just starting to have fun." I whine, but soon I realise he's not kidding. He's already tugging us across the dance floor, his grip forever tightening.

"George, I'm not messing around here, follow my lead." He barks, his eyes scanning the room frantically. I feel my heart rate pick up at the possibility of danger, my head automatically dropping slightly as though that may help me hide. We meet the cold air outside as soon as we exit, not stopping in our tracks for even a millisecond. Reece takes me down a smaller road, trying to lose the obvious sound of footsteps following us, when suddenly we turn a corner and realise it's a dead end. My heart drops to my stomach in fear when realisation hits me, and I hear Reece swear under his breath. Quickly, he turns us around, but as soon as he does, we stop dead in our tracks.

"Well would you look who it is!" A guy with long, black hair stands in the middle of the road, that fits about three people length wise, and next to him are two others, hidding their faces slightly behind their hoods and bandanas covering their mouths. Just seeing them makes my heart skip a beat, and Reece automatically pushes me behind him protectively.

"It's Reece Bibby," He laughs sourly, his piercing black eyes matching his attire. His shirt is slightly ripped at the top, and he has plenty of chains around his neck. His teeth even hold a set of gold grills, which send chills down my spine; he does not seem like a nice guy.

"Or should I say; the newfound fag." The horrible man spits, and Reece's hands clench by his sides, making the butterflies in my stomach worsen. I'm fearful of where this situation may end up.

"George, do as I say, ok? He's armed." After Reece murmurs out these words, I finally notice the small knife held in the guy's hand, and my knees wobble dangerously as my eyes widen; shit.

"I'm going to kill you fags!" He screams out, and his friends immediately come forwards, breaking the short distance between us, and as soon as they do, I feel a hard blow against my stomach, followed by Reece's hand coming out to push me behind him. I try catching my breath once I'm on the floor, but my mind is too hazy from the panic to notice much going on around me. I hear a variety of shouts and grunts, but I can't bare to watch Reece get hurt. My whole body shakes, and I can't help but skirt backwards, my back hitting the wall.

"Son of a bitch!" I hear someone scream, and I almost let out a sob, but I can't; I'm too scared. A series of more screams are heard, but this time they sound more femenine, and suddenly a sound meets my ears, and for once I'm grateful.

Police sirens. I dare to look up, seeing Reece sending punches wildly towards the main guy, who's knife is still swinging around wildly. The other two are passed out on the ground, which leads me to believe that Reece has a few tricks up his sleeves that I wasn't aware of.

The world blurs out slightly when I see the guy suddenly move forwards with his knife, stabbing it into Reece's arm, but Reece barely seems to notice it as he keeps fighting. I do, letting out a loud scream, and seconds later five police officers come forwards. I close my eyes, refusing to believe any of that just happened.

last chapter before sequel soon... oops. hehehhe.

also, im so sorry for the long wait, but i still feel like shit so :( got a doctors appointment tomorrow which will hopefully determine what the FUCK is wrong with me :/

《 issue: roommate ~ greece, nhc 》 {COMPLETED}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum