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... Reece is mad again.

Finally, he breathes out, breaking the unbearably tense and awkward silence that had formed.

"You woke me up." He growls, and my face breaks into confusion; he can't possibly be mad about me waking him, can he?

"I-Im sorry-" I begin, almost squeaking, but he cuts me off, standing up suddenly.

"You fucking woke me up, you dick! Do you not understand how hard I find it to sleep? You careless bitch!" I couldn't help my eyes beginning to water at his harsh words, because I'm sensitive as shit and he's just being horrible. I look around the room in shock, as though not believing that this argument could actually be happening because of the stupidity of it.

"I-I didn't know-" I say shakily, and suddenly something crosses my mind. Blake's words from earlier rush back. "Stand up for yourself!"... But do I really have it in myself to do that?

"Of course you fucking don't know! Why the fuck would you know!" He screams, into my face, oblivious to the few tears escaping. I try once again to cut in but he doesn't let me talk for more than a second, his fists clenching.

"Don't bother speaking, you're just gonna make me even angrier! Argh, I can't fucking believe this, you-" Before he can insult me again, I suddenly stand up, rushing up to Reece and poking his chest with my index finger.

"Shut the hell up!" I scream, and Reece does just that. He stares at me wide eyed, his mouth opening slightly and resting ajar. I breathe heavily, staring up at him with angry eyes for a change. I'm done with him treating me this way.

"Shut the hell up." I repeat, quieter this time. "I've had enough of you treating me like a goddamn plastic bag. You spend your time screaming at me and making me feel like shit, well guess what? I'm through. I don't care if it's normal for you to treat people this way, I don't like it, it makes me feel bad and it's not how I want to spend my university years. I will personally go down and ask for a change of roommates if that's really what you want, because clearly you don't like me! You can stop acting like a king who no one else is superior too, because honestly? You really aren't that cool. You're-You're fucking scary and-and every time I come home, I'm almost hopping you aren't there simply because I'm scared I'll get yelled at. I'm sorry Reece, but I refuse to live with this anymore. I'm sorry." I hold back a sob as I try to look at Reece firmly, soft tears streaming down my cheeks. Reece looks absolutely taken aback, and almost distraught at my words, and he looks down at my finger that is still poking his chest. The silence is piercing as he opens and closes his mouth a few times, not knowing how to answer. It is the first time I have ever seen him at a loss for words. I shake lightly as I try to hold back my emotions, not losing my hard stare.

"George." He breathes out nervously, and I finally see a new side of him. His eyes are no longer angry, instead they're worried, and he chews hardly on his lip. His body flops down slightly and he steps back, until he lands on his bed, sitting tightly on his butt. He groans and rubs his face with his hands.

"George, please don't go." My body freezes in confusion at his words.

"W-What?" I squeak.

"I-I know I'm awful, I get angry at everyone and I can't control it. But-But there's something about you that calms me. I don't know what it is. But y-you just make me want to calm myself down completely and no one has ever been able to do that before. You can't go." He looks broken. His words take me by surprise, and I'm hesitant to move, unable to process everything correctly.

"I-I calm you?" I whisper, confused, carefully sitting down on his bed next to him. He stares down at the floor, his eyes looking empty. None of this makes sense; he's screaming at me one minute and then telling me I calm him down the next?

"Look, you can do what you want, I get why you don't like me." He sighs, blinking wildly as though trying to hold back his tears. I stay silent for another second, trying to process this new side of him; for once, he looks vulnerable, like he needs me.

"Reece... I'll stay." His head perks up, and he almost smiles.

"But, only if you promise that you won't shout at me and you'll try to be nice." I say, looking at him with a small grin on my lips. His eyes suddenly look so much brighter, and he quickly nods.

"It's just... I've always dreamt of having a roommate who I become super good friends with and we're always chatting and setting each other up for dates and helping each other with homework and stuff, you know?" I hum, looking down a little embarrassedly. Reece laughs softly, knocking his foot against mine.

"Okay George, I'll be your dream roommate then." He smirks, making me blush, and I just shake my head.

"I-I didn't mean-" I start, but suddenly his hand darts out and covers my mouth, and he looks at me with a wide smile.

"Nope, it's already agreed, I'm going to become the best fucking roommate ever. I'm gonna be unforgettable." He grins maliciously, and I giggle lightly, moving his hand away from his face. This side of him is completely new and different, and I love it.

"Reece, is your mum still threatening to pull you from the school?" I ask softly, and I can see Reece's face drop slightly. He sighs and sits back against the bed, looking up at the ceiling for a moment.

"Yeah. It's kinda difficult but I'm getting used to it." He murmurs softly.

"Well, maybe it will be better if we're friends, I won't be so lonely! And maybe you could help me not fail maths." He grins at me, and I roll my eyes playfully. "After all," he continues, "the teacher does have a crush on you." His words catch me off guard, and I gape at him.

"W-What?" I squeak, wide eyed.

"I'm serious, Mr Kahns told off like the five people who arrived late before you on the first day, the day I spilled coffee on you, but then you arrive and he turns completely charming. And one day when you had some appointment and couldn't come, his spent the whole class looking for you until someone said you were missing. He got so embarrassed, it was hilarious!" Reece laughs loudly, clapping his hands, but I can't help feeling embarrassed myself.

"I-I-" I stutter, trying to think of a good answer, but I can't help my flushed cheeks.

"I get how it might be uncomfortable for you, since he's a dude and all, but this could bring you so many oportunities, like, you could ask favours of him and stuff." Reece continues talking, but I'm stuck on one thing; Reece still doesn't know I'm gay.


(you guys all thought he'd get mad for the jumper but just you wait, that'll come up again soon)

《 issue: roommate ~ greece, nhc 》 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now