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“I don’t know man, this is a difficult position you’ve put yourself in.” Blake murmurs, watching me tug at my hair in annoyance. I send him a glare, kicking my feet out and onto the coffee table as Coby hands me a cup of coffee. I mutter a soft thanks, bringing myself to smile softly, but it doesn’t last.

“I think I’m aware of that Blake.” I groan, sipping my scorching coffee lightly. The dull sun rays shine through the large window, as a reminder of the approaching evening. My chest feels heavy now that I’ve finished telling them about the past events; my date with Adam, Reece and I’s kiss, walking in on Reece and his friends all high and drunk.

"At this point, I don’t even think he likes me. He probably only took advantage of me, I was desperate and willing and he used that.” My tone becomes monotonous as I wallow in embarrassment. “I feel used.” A chorus of sympathetic ‘awe’s rush around the room, and my face flushes slightly.

“George, I’m sure that’s not the case. You’re such a great guy, I’m sure Reece has his reasons.” Sarah says softly; she’s one of the few people I truly trust with dating advice.

"But what if you’re wrong? What if everyone on this goddamn planet is wrong?” I say, aware that my words were beginning to not make any sense. I’m exasperated.

“Okay, let’s just relax a little. You wanna stay for dinner?” Coby asks, and my eyebrows rise slightly at the offer.

“Yeah, I’d love to, thanks.” I grin, feeling happier already. Must be the idea of food. Coby and Sarah go to continue preparing dinner, giving Blake and I a chance to speak alone. We don’t say anything for a while, but eventually I just lie down on the sofa, sighing sadly.

"Don’t be sad George, it breaks my heart.” Blake murmurs, making me snort lightly. I tilt my head back to look at him upside down, watching him smile lightly.

“Aw little Blakey does have a heart.” I mock, making him stick out his tongue at me.

“You know, you should be grateful to actually be getting some love action. Even if it is a little complicated.” Blake grumbles, referring to his lack of such. I giggle lightly.

“Blake, I like a guy who is mean and bad, and doesn’t like me back. The guy who likes me is sweet and basically perfect, but I don’t like him. Where did I go wrong in life?” I sigh, covering my face in annoyance with the sleeves of my purple hoodie. Realising what I’m wearing, I face Blake again, and I gesture to the jumper whilst speaking.

“Sorry for stealing your jumper by the way, it just looked very comfortable.” I give him a cheeky grin, but he just gives me a confused glance.

“Uh, George, that’s not mine.” Blake laughs lightly, and now it’s my turn to look confused.

“It’s not? Then, who’s is it?” Before Blake can say anything, the doorbell suddenly goes off, and I sit up quickly, looking at Blake suspiciously, who’s eyes rapidly widen. He quickly stands up, looking unsure of what to do.

“Blake...” He looks at me, biting his lip lightly, “who’s at the door?” I mumble.

“Okay, so uh, don’t get mad, but I kinda forgot that we had invited Adam over for dinner?” He fiddles with his fingers as he gives me an apologetic look. “But I swear, it was before I knew that you guys had been on a date.”

My eyes widen suddenly, and I open my mouth, but no words come out. Eventually, I just sigh, burying my head into my hands.

“Well, I guess I needed to face him one of these days.” We hear Coby open the door, before beginning to lead Adam towards the living room. Adam finally enters, laughing lightly, but his laugh is cut short when he sees my figure sitting on the sofa. There is a short moment of silence, that is completely empowered by awkwardness as we all exchange eye contact.

“George.” Adam finally mumbles.

“Adam.” I sigh back, closing my eyes momentarily.

“This is my cue to leave.” Blake mumbles, following Coby out of the room, giving me one final apologetic look. We’re once again drowned in silence, and I bite my lip harshly.

“I’m sorry.” I blurt out eventually. Adam’s eyebrows raise, but he gestures for me to continue.

“I’m sorry for leaving the date so hastily, for rejecting your kiss and for ignoring all the messages you sent me.” He sighs after I speak, slowly sitting down next to me on the sofa, but neither of us speak.

“I forgive you George. I wasn’t sure if it was going to work out between us anyways; you didn’t seem as into the date as I was. Can I just ask... why?” He breathes out.

“Of course... well, I don’t really know, I guess it just didn’t feel right, you’re one of my closest friends, it felt weird. I don’t know if I would have been able to kiss you without feeling that way.” I admit. Adam just nods, and after a short pause, he sighs, holding his hand out in front of him.

“Friends?” He cracks a soft smile, which I quickly return, my heart thumping in relief.

“Definitely.” I say, shaking his hand quickly.

“Okay, now that that is sorted, let’s go eat.” Blake suddenly appears from behind the door, gesturing for us to follow him. We both stand up, but I quickly give him a sceptical look.

“Were you eavesdropping?” I hum suspiciously, and Blake quickly lets out a “pfft” sound.

“Of course not, damn, don’t you trust me?” He mutters guiltily as he walks off, leaving Adam and I laughing lightly.

“Let’s go.” I sigh.

yes i forgot im sorry !! but im on holiday atm.

i think you guys will forgive me after the next chapter though...

《 issue: roommate ~ greece, nhc 》 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now