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My first few weeks at university were passing so quickly, but I couldn't help feeling like I was missing out on something. Apart from the fact that I basically don't have a roommate, since he is constantly out, and when he is in, he only makes snark remarks towards me or just blatantly ignores me, I hadn't really done much partying, I guess you could say. I always heard people talking about their crazy nights out and the sleepless parties, but I never really got invited. Even Blake and Adam had gone to a few, and just like in high school, I could help feeling left out. I sigh as I hear the soft ticking of the clock on the wall, reminding me that I was spending another Saturday doing nothing.

I wish I was more spontaneous.

I didn't even have any work to do, so there was literally nothing for me to do.

I jumped when my phone suddenly rang, and I leaned over to pick it up, seeing my mum's number. A soft smile forms on my face, and I swipe to answer it.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Hi Georgie! How's my baby doing?" I blush lightly at the name, my smile widening.

"I'm good thanks mum. How's everything back at home?" I ask, slowly sitting up and leaning over the side of my bed, looking out into the empty room.

"Everything is fine here. I just thought I'd call you quickly, just to check up on you. I don't have long, I have to get to a training session. How are all your lessons going?" She hums. We talk for a little while longer, my smile everlasting and not fading, due to the familiarity and warmth my mum brought me.

"Christmas should be fun, I thought-" Suddenly, I'm interrupted by the dorm room door opening, making me jump in shock. My eyes widen when I see Reece standing there, his shoulders tense and his face hard; it doesn't take me long to realise that he's angry, very angry.

"Uh, mum, I'll call you back later, I have to go. Love you lots." I say quietly, before hanging up. As I stare at Reece, it's almost as thought he hasn't noticed my presence. He stays stood in the doorway, his wrists clenching in anger, but he doesn't look over at me. He's in his own world.

Finally, he snaps out of it, slamming the door hardly behind him as he storms towards his bed, making me sit back slightly in fear. He growls and suddenly he throws something harshly at the wall; it doesn't take me long to realise it his phone. When our eyes finally meet, I feel like the air has been sucked out of my lungs. The anger that he holds in them is almost indescribable, painful to witness. He seems almost dangerous, his eyes almost to the point where they are black, deadly. I can feel his pain through just one look.

"What?" He snaps, making me breathe in suddenly. It takes me a moment to compose myself enough to answer.

"Uh, a-are you alright?" I ask, my tone soft but quiet enough to be considered pathetic. His hard eyes glare at me, scanning my face. Finally, he sighs angrily, turning away from me to look out the window.

"Does it look like I'm alright?" His growl makes me gulp as I slowly stand up and walk over to him, standing beside him. I look over at his face, his jaw clenched angrily and his eyes unmoving. His jawline stands out more than usual, and something about his undoubtable anger makes him even more attractive, and I can't help feeling slightly nervous in his presence. His eyes finally glance over at me, and they roll slightly.

"What do you want?" He grumbles, breathing out of his nose. The impossible feeling of being out of place invades me as I stand next to the tall boy.

"Tell me what's wrong." The sudden confidence in my voice confuses both him and me, and he looks over at me, this time his eyes lingering for a little longer. He squints his eyes slightly, crossing his arms over his chest, trying to gain a little more power.

"What?" He simply says, snorting slightly. I hesitate before repeating my sentance.

"Tell me what's wrong." I say, a slight stumble in my sentance this time. "Maybe I can help." I add on quietly. Reeve just scoffs, looking back out the window.

"As if you could help me. You're too much of a goody-two-shoes." His comment makes my eyebrows shoot up in surprise, and if it weren't for the entire truth of it, I would feel offended.

"Hey!" I whine, and for a millisecond, I can almost say I saw him smile, but it was gone before I could tell.

"Fine, I'll tell you." Reece turns his patronising stance towards me, his eyebrows raised. "My mum is threatening to get me pulled from the school since I'm not taking it seriously, which basically means I'd get disowned. I'm not allowed to drink, smoke or party until I can take it seriously, or else it's all over." I can sense Reece's anger rising again as he speaks, almost as though he were growling.

"O-Oh." I stay stunned, not sure if there was anything I could possibly say to help out.

"See, I told you, you can't help." Reece says, beginning to walk away.

"Look," I begin, and Reece stops in his tracks without turning around. "I can't speak from experience, but honestly there's only really one option for you here." Reece whips around, his jaw tensed.

"If you dare begin to tell me how I shouldn't live my life, how I'm not going to be worth anything, how I'm useless, then stop because I've heard it all before!" Reece's comment takes me off guard and I freeze, my eyebrows furrowing. Was his mum really telling him all that?

"I'm just saying, there's definitely a way for you to balance studying and partying. You just have to learn when you should get drunk and when you shouldn't. It's not worth risking this opportunity." I end softly, and Reece's gaze lingers for another second on my face. He slowly nods, before turning around.

"Okay. I'll see what I can do." When I feel like the conversation is over, I start working towards my bed again, but I hear one last word leave his mouth.



happy tuesday, lovely people :)
i have my english poetry and prose mock tomorrow so i'm just about ready to jump off a cliff, yet i still managed to get the energy to update hehe. love you all xx

《 issue: roommate ~ greece, nhc 》 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now