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The bright morning light is what wakes me up on Sunday, although I almost wish it hadn't. The pounding of my head leaves me wishing I was still asleep, and it doesn't take me long to realise I'm sick. Very sick.

I can't help the loud groan that escapes my lips as I bury my face into the blanket, trying to hide myself from the piercing light.

Why do I get sick on the weekends? The only time I have to relax, and I get sick. Why can't it be during school time so that I can have an excuse to miss class?

I huff as I try to sit up, very slowly, to avoid more pain. It's a struggle to peal my eyes open, and when I do, I glance around the room in confusion, seeing Reece's empty bed. He didn't come home last night. Well that sucks. Bit of a stab in the heart, if you ask me. His bed is still made from yesterday, the covers completely untouched, and all his books are still scattered messily all over the place. He's not good a keeping tidy, that's one thing I've learnt about him over out time as roommates.

I reach over to grab my phone from the bedside table, sniffling slightly through my blocked nose. I go to Blake's contact, quickly pressing the call button and adjoining the phone to my ear. After three rings, his tired voice comes through the speaker.

"Hello?" He grumbles.

"Blake, I'm sick." I whine, my voice coming out hoarse. He sighs on the other side of the phone.

"And what exactly do you want me to do about that?" He says, but I can sense the playfulness behind his tone, and I roll my eyes.

"Just be the good friend you are and take care of me. I feel like absolute shit." I say, the pout evident in my voice. Blake laughs from the other side, and I can hear shuffling, which makes me feel victorious.

"What makes you think I'm a good friend of any sort?" He teases, and I groan, rolling back onto my bed.

"Blake, stop being difficult and bring me some goddamn soup!" I say, my voice sounding nasally due to my blocked nose.

"Damn, okay, okay, I was just messing with you, I'll be over in ten." I end the call with a triumphant look on my face, burying myself more into the covers of the bed and closing my eyes again.

"Doctor Blake is in the house!" I'm startled awake by Blake's booming voice, and I jolt upwards in shock. Through my hazy vision, I make out Blake's figure approaching me, and I just flop down again with a large sigh. He lets out a little laugh as I pathetically try to say hello.

"So how you feeling bro?" Blake says, grabbing my desk chair and placing it next to my bed, before pulling out a packet of crisps and beginning to munch loudly. I give him a strange look, and he raises his arms in mock surrender.

"Look, I got hungry when I was buying you your soup. Don't blame me." He grumbles through a large mouthful of crisps. I look over at him in surprise.

"You actually got me soup?" I ask incredulously with a high pitched voice, causing Blake to roll his eyes and hold up a flask.

"I repeat, I'm a great friend." He says, leaning back with a cocky smile on his face. I ignore him and lean forwards, grabbing the warm flask from him and opening it.

"Adams coming around with some medicine in a minute. Then we can binge watch some tv" Blake says nonchalantly as I begin to eat the soup, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Aww, you guys actually care about me!" I rasp out, and Blake sends me a small smile when he looks up from the small screen.

"Of course we do G." He says softly, making me blush lightly.

Eventually, a soft knock is heard at the door, and Blake and I interrupt our discussion to answer the door. A sheepish looking Adam proceeds to enter, and I smile widely, knowing he's coming with medicine to hopefully soothe my headache. I make grabby hands towards him, and he chuckles and immediately tosses me the pills.

"Hey G, how you feeling?" He says softly, carefully placing himself at the foot of my bed. I look up at him as I take out the small pill.

"I'm okay, my head's killing me though. If it doesn't get better before tomorrow, I think I'll just skip." I muse as I drown the small pink pill with a gulp of water. Adam pouts playfully at me.

"That's a shame. Where did this headache even come from?" He asks.

"Probably from crying so much." I says, without really paying attention to the words leaving my mouth. I hear Blake and Adam freeze in their tracks, and I soon realise what I had said.

"Crying? Why were you crying?" Adam's soft tone makes me sigh slightly, and I look up at them momentarily, before pulling my legs into my chest.

"I came out to Reece and he didn't take it very well." I eventually state, my eyebrows furrowed slightly, and I hear Blake gasps whilst Adam frowns sympathetically.

"What do you mean, he didn't take it well?" Blake asks slowly, and I groan in frustration.

"It's not that he didn't take it well, he just didn't know how to handle it and he ran out. He hasn't come back since." Blake and Adam both sense my discomfort talking about this, so Blake quickly suggests to start watching tv, which I'm extremely grateful for.

Eventually, I find myself drifting off, my head falling onto Adam's shoulder as my breathing levels out. I feel shifting around me but I can't be bothered to open my eyes, everything seeming hazy. I hear Adam say he has to leave, and then I hear a door close. The TV still runs in the background, and I listen to the rerun of FRIENDS play.

Suddenly, the door swings open harshly, making me jump.

"Hey-" I immediately recognise Reece's voice, and I pretend to be asleep, my head nuzzling into my pillow.

"Shh, he's asleep!" Blake whispers harshly, and I hide my grin.

"Um, who are you?" Reece's voice, despite dropping several volumes, still sounds confused and suspicious.

"I'm Blake, one of George's friends. You must be the infamous Reece." I internally cringe when Blake hisses out Reece's name.

"Uh I guess I am. What are you doing here if he's asleep?" Reece slowly says, and I can hear his voice sounding slightly closer to me, so I still every movement.

"He's sick. Got a bad headache from crying too much. You can probably imagine why." Blake scowls, and I consider waking up to shut him the fuck up, but I hold myself back.

"He-He was crying?" Reece's voice sounds almost hurt, and my heart aches.

"As much as I'd love to stay to chat with you, I have to go." Blake sounds annoyed, and I hear shuffling, so I presume he's preparing to leave. The door opens, but before it closes, Blake speaks up again.

"Take care of him please." His soft comment makes me smiles lightly, and then I hear the door close. I hold my breath lightly as I wait to hear Reece's movements, but his footsteps don't move away. In fact, they get even closer, and I hear him sigh from right next to me.

Suddenly, his hand softly comes out and threads its way through my hair, making me breathe in sharply. His hands stay there for a few seconds before he sighs once again and moves away, leaving my body tense and goosebumps all over my skin.

Holy shit.

hehehe i forgot to update so here you go :)
i KNOW this is boring, im sorryyy but just wait.

《 issue: roommate ~ greece, nhc 》 {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now