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The lock clicks quietly as I turn the key, breathing out nervously. I had arrived early, so I wasn't expecting my roommate to have arrived yet, but if he was, I'd have to actually speak to him. I'm definitely not mentally prepared for that yet. I twist the door handle, swinging it open soundlessly. I breathe out in relief when I'm faced with an empty room, shutting the door behind me.

The room is fairly small, with two identical beds a few meters apart from each other. There's a window on one side, allowing the faint morning light to shine in. The dull, gray curtains are pulled to one side, held up by a thin piece of material. The walls are plain white, definitely could do with some decorating. Other than that, there are two desks and a closed door that leads to the bathroom.

I walk over to the bed closest to the window, knowing that would give me comfort. I start unpacking some of my items, making my bed and putting away my clothes. It was strange, being here, without my parents to help and guide me. I was actually on my own now.

I finish rather quickly, so I decide to go exploring, maybe meet someone. Pfft, who am I kidding, I suck at interacting with humans.

The university is very large, with three buildings of classes. It was hard to get into this university, especially for my course, considering how high my average needed to be, but thankfully I managed to pull it off. 

I make my way up the wooden stairs, admiring the sculpted architecture on the arched windows, when suddenly I crash into something. Well, better said, someone. I stumble backwards, hitting my butt awkwardly on the hard, stone stairs. I groan slightly, looking up to meet eyes with a guilty looking brunette, his eyes searching my face worriedly.

"Crap, I'm so sorry! A-Are you okay? I didnt mean to hurt you, I'm so sorry." He stammers, holding his hand out to help me up. I laugh slightly, dusting off my navy blue trousers.

"Don't worry about it mate, I'm fine." I say warmly, noticing the other boys discomfort. He's silent for a few seconds before speaking up again.

"You're not a second year, are you?" His voice is quiet, almost whisper-like, and I strain to listen.

"No, no, I'm a first year. I just arrived." I answer, watching the boy's shoulders sag in relief.

"Oh thank god. They terrify me." He chuckles awkwardly. "I'm Blake." He says, sticking out his hand for me to shake, which I do.

"I'm George, nice to meet you." I smile.

"Wanna go get a coffee? It would be nice to actually know someone before we start lessons tomorrow." He admits, which I agree to totally.

"Absolutely, I'd love to."


Blake is actually a really nice guy. I managed to learn quite a lot about him in the few hours we spent together, such as what classes he's taking, where he's from, even his grandma's name.

After our coffee, that quickly turned into a lunch, we did some sight seeing together, neither of us familiar with the area. Everything was rather unreal; all the shops were quaint and interesting, the buildings all had such beautiful architectural features, the naturalistic traits were definitely not undervalued... I could get used to living here. Maybe it won't be so bad after all.

"I'll walk you back to your room if you want?" Blake says, noticing it was beginning to get dark. I nod in agreement and we begin our journey back to the dorms.

"You know, I'm really nervous to start tomorrow. I'm always nervous the first day but this time I'm even more nervous than usual." Blake admits quietly. I look over at him and see his eyes trained harshly on the floor, and he's clawing at his bottom lip nervously. You know, I think he's even more nervous than I am, and that's saying something.

"Aw Blake, don't worry, I feel the same way." I say softly, catching his eye.

"But... it's different with you. You can talk to people, and you're attractive, not in a weird way. People won't think you're some weirdo who's too afraid to talk to them." I can tell what Blake's telling me is hard for him, so I sympathetically pat his shoulder.

"How about I give you my phone number, and if something happens in any class, I'll come help you. How does that sound?" I suggest. He immediatly raises his eyebrows, a small smile forming on his face.

"Wait really?" He asks, almost unbelievingly.

"Of course mate. I'd be happy to help." I smile at him, making him smile back.

"Woah, you're actually insanely kind." Blake shakes his head, making me blush slightly.

"Ah shut up." I mumble, pushing his shoulder. He just laughs and stuffs his hands into his pockets as we continue walking. We get to my dorm room, number 207, and I take my phone out, making Blake do the same.

"Right, here's my number, just use it whenever you need someone to talk to. If you wanna hang out anytime soon, I'm down." I suggest, Blake nodding in agreement.

"Absolutely, I'd love to. And hopefully everything will be fine, I'm probably just being paranoid. Thanks for today, George." Blake says, pulling me in for a bro hug.

"Anytime, happy to help." I smile. I watch him walk away before beginning to shuffle through my bag, looking for the key. I eventually huff when I find it in my pocket instead.

"Typical." I murmur. I put the key into the lock, turning it sideways. My eyebrows furrow when the I notice the door isn't actually locked, but I don't think much of it until I've fully opened the door and see a figure sitting on what used to be my bed.

I stand in the doorway, confused, until the boy looks up at me, and we lock eyes. He stands up and walks over to me with a small smirk on his face, before coming right in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Reece." He says, his voice deep and accent thick. I swallow as I look back at the room, all my stuff now being unorganised on the bed nearer the door, and his being on the side mine were on.

I feel slightly annoyed, but my annoyance is pushed away by another thought;

Reece is hot.

HELLO first chapter kwksks

《 issue: roommate ~ greece, nhc 》 {COMPLETED}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat