xxiv. defuse the tension

Start from the beginning

"We got a window. Four, three...give 'em hell." Clint counted down, and opened the hatch. He flew down so Natasha could land on the freeway, and Luna could fly down. Luna spotted Steve's shield, and flew down, swiping it up, "We're always picking up after you boys." Luna joked.

"They're heading under the overpass, I've got no shot." Clint told them.

"Which way?" Natasha said.

"Hard right... Now." Clint said and Natasha and Luna headed over the truck. Luna flew on top of the truck, using the shield to knock Ultron off of Steve.

"You." He glared, "How's the side?" He asked, faking sympathy.

"It's great, thank you for asking. I know you must care a lot about my well-being." Luna glared at him, handing Steve his shield. The two of them, together, fought Ultron, "You know what they say; couples who fight together stay together." Luna joked.

"We might die, and you're making jokes." Steve reminded her.

"Just trying to defuse the tension." Luna looked down, thrusting her hands forward, knocking Ultron off the truck, only for him to hover near them.

"You go, Lu. I got this." Steve told her.

"You sure?" Luna asked, looking back over at Ultron.

"Yeah." He nodded, his voice full of uncertainty.

She looked up him, and hesitantly flew down to the ground. She watched as Steve got thrown off the truck, and onto an oncoming car. Ultron raised the ground in front of the car, and Steve went flying. Luna acted quickly, stopping the cars before they could hit Steve, giving him enough time to get back on his feet. She raised her hands up, helping him back onto the truck.

"Do you need help, Nat?" Luna asked.

"Always." Natasha said. Luna flew over to Natasha, who was flying down the street, chasing after the truck with the Cradle on her bike.

"Out of the way! Coming through! Sorry, coming through!" Natasha apologized as she flew down the street.

"Clint, can you draw out the guards?" Luna asked.

"Let's find out." Clint said.

"Beep beep!" Natasha said and Clint did manage to get the guards off the truck.

"Heading back towards you. So whatever you're going to do, do it now." Clint told them.

"We're going in, Cap can you keep him occupied?" Natasha asked.

"What do you think I've been doing?" Steve sighed, out of breath. Luna and Natasha got got into the truck, as the Iron Legions hooked onto the bottom of the truck, and started to lift off.

The two of them tried to hold on, "The package is airborne. I have a clean shot." Clint announced.

"Negative. We are still in the truck." Natasha told him.

"What the hell are you...?"

"Just be ready, We're sending the package to you." Luna interrupted.

"How do you want me to take it?" Clint asked.

"Uhh, you might wish you hadn't asked that." Natasha said, cutting off the things holding it to the truck.

"Nat, Lu, we gotta go." Clint told them. Natasha cut the last rope holding it, and hopped onto the cradle. Luna slapped an explosive thing onto the wall of the truck, and followed Natasha out of the truck, and into the waiting Quinjet. She jumped off of the truck, ready to fly over to the Quinjet when Ultron caught her foot. She tried to fight him, but soon passed out due to the witch hazel dart in her neck.

"Luna!" Natasha and Clint shouted, watching as Ultron flew away quickly.

"Cap, you see Luna? Nat, do you see her?" Clint asked.

"If you have the package, get it to Stark! Go!" Steve yelled.

"She's your wife, we can leave her. Do you have eyes on Luna?" Natasha asked.

"Go!" Steve yelled, "Where are you, my little star?" He muttered to himself as Clint hesitantly and reluctantly flew away.


Luna's eyes started to open. She reached for her neck, wincing when she ran her finger over the spot where the dart had went in, "I wasn't sure you'd wake up." She looked up at Ultron, "I hoped you would, I wanted to show you something. I don't have anyone else." He admitted, as if trying to gain her sympathy, "I think a lot about meteors, the purity of them. Boom! The end, start again. The world made clean for the new man to rebuild."

"I was meant to be new. I was meant to be beautiful. The world would've looked to the sky and seen hope, seen mercy." He started walking towards her, causing her to quickly, and as fast as she could, back up, "Instead they'll look up in horror because of you. You've wounded me. I give you full marks for that. But, like the man said, "What doesn't kill me..." A bigger Ultron body destroys the one in front of her, "...just makes me stronger." He pulled the cell door shut with a loud clang.


hey! here's another chapter. I feel like these updates are taking longer and longer because I just feel so unmotivated to update. anyways, thank you for reading, and I will see you soon my loves 💕💕

 anyways, thank you for reading, and I will see you soon my loves 💕💕

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