10| (Dis)content

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Time seemed to pass by so quickly after that

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Time seemed to pass by so quickly after that. Days became weeks, then months. Before I knew it, a year had gone by. At least, I thought it was a year. A cycle of four seasons amounted to a year, according to Alan. I'd decided that my birthday was near the beginning of spring. So with the passing of another Spring Festival, that made me eighteen now.

   The state of the bookstore hadn't changed much in that time. Books and shelves still filled every available inch of space that wasn't meant for walking. But thanks to me, they'd been reorganized according to the Dewott Decimal system. Price range—how it had been before—was a decent idea, but it was too messy.

   "Loto, there's a delivery that needs to be taken care of." Iga placed a wrapped bundle of four or so books on the counter. She gave me the address, and with Dew hitching a ride on my shoulder, I was off.

   My legs carried me swiftly through the streets of Waywyn, as I already knew the address' location. Even with my now-stable diet, I'd barely grown or changed physically for that matter. Though, I could confidently say I regained the strength I'd lost during the autumn months in Erinne and then some. I was definitely stronger than I looked.

   The delivery went out to the apothecary of all places. I'd actually never been to the place, mainly because I'd had no need to. Cyryl had gotten a cold last winter, though it was Iga who had gone to pick up the remedies for it. Then it was her who went again after I'd caught the cold from Cyryl a week later. As expected, dealing with coughing and a fever again had been mildly terrifying for me, even if they weren't severe.

   Smells of herbs and tonics hit me the moment I opened the door, hints of sour berries lingering about as well. Dew's nose wrinkled, and she let out a sneeze. I couldn't blame her, since the place did have a pretty pungent smell. Still, it was just like Kari had described, a single room filled with everything a healer could want. But there was no sign of anyone around.

   "Delivery from Nosek's Books," I said loudly, placing the package on the counter.

   "Yes, yes, I'm coming." A woman with green hair stepped out from a curtained back room, a few wilting iris petals falling from her locks as she moved. When she saw the package on the counter, she smiled. "I've been very busy replenishing my stocks, otherwise I would've come and picked these up myself."

   I shrugged. "It's my job to do this," I said. "But that'll be forty-five incos." After I received the payment I asked, "Hey, how much is your Bluk Berry syrup?"

   "Ten incos," she replied. "Is somebody you know sick?"

   I shook my head. "No. I was just curious." She nodded and bid me good afternoon, vanishing into the back room again. Ten, huh? I guess that isn't too much.

   "Ne?" Dew squeaked curiously, and I shushed her. She went quiet, but that didn't stop her from staring when I took out my coin purse. I made sure the apothecary owner wasn't looking before I put ten incos of my own money onto the counter and hurriedly left. Kari never did like stealing.

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