02| Stealing Really Isn't that Bad

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The next morning I awoke aching all over

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

The next morning I awoke aching all over. I was confused when I saw that I was enclosed on my right and left by stacked crates, but then I remembered. After my near-breakdown last night, I'd found someplace more secluded and hidden amongst the buildings to try and sleep.

Yawning, I sat up, raking my hair out of my eyes. Before I did anything else, I checked the wounds I'd gotten yesterday. The injuries on my arms and neck seemed to have scabbed over along with the stab wound. Through some kind of miracle, none of them looked to be infected. Unfortunately, I hardly had more than a moment to feel relieved before a familiar pang dug into me. The research could wait, I needed food.

I slowly stood, putting a hand to my head when a light dizziness enveloped it. I shook it off and followed the buzzes of conversation and general chatter out of the alleyway. Eventually I emerged onto a now-bustling street. I slipped into the crowd as naturally as I could, trying to look like I knew what I was doing. Still, I felt incredibly out of place. If this town was significant to me, then I would've felt some kind of familiarity, right?

Even with my attempts of acting normal, it didn't stop people from giving me odd looks. I thought it was because I apparently looked so young, and catching a glimpse of myself in a shop window proved my thoughts right.

Besides my mess of dark hair and brown skin—opposites of the much lighter hair and skin colors of nearly everyone I passed—my distinct purple eyes were large and my face was quite youthful, if not thinner than it should've been. If I'd seen myself amongst this crowd, I probably would've given that boy an odd look too.

I had no idea where I was going. With no money, I knew I would have to resort to begging or stealing. After what happened yesterday I really didn't want to steal. Maybe begging would work out? I definitely look disheveled enough to pass as a beggar, I thought grimly.

Wandering around some more led me to an open marketplace in what seemed like the center of town. Doing a quick sweep of the area, I was relieved to not spot Dahlia anywhere. My heart sank at the probable reason why she wasn't here, but I had to try and dismiss it. Taking a deep breath, I approached the first stand that sold food.

"What do you want, kid?" the elderly man running it asked gruffly.

I was already regretting this. This was a horrible idea. "U-um—!" I froze up, not sure what to say.

"If you're looking for a handout, you won't find it here," he huffed. "Now get out of here before I call the guards!" I flinched back before retreating. Yeah, I was regretting this. But I had to keep trying.

I next approached a stand run by a young woman and tried to initiate conversation before she could. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wonderin' if you..." I started. "Wh-what I mean to say is that I... Sorry, lemme start over again..."

"You obviously don't look like you're gonna buy something, so I suggest you leave." While not as rude as the man, her rejection was still scathing. I admitted defeat again and left.

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