We're A Hollywood Teen-Drama.

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To say that Waverly was confused would be an understatement.

She was upset, confused, angry and felt betrayed.

Of course Nicole could love who she wanted to and be with whoever she wanted to but the brunette didn't understand why her. They'd been very close friends since college and obviously spent many nights together but they had an agreement. An agreement that meant nothing was to get personal.

It was just sex.

So why did Waverly feel this sudden pain whenever she looked at Nicole now? Or when Nicole flirted with that girl at the bar?

"Ugh, I need a drink." Waverly muttered to herself as she sat on the edge of her hotel bed, head in her hands and sighed before standing and walking over to her vanity, grabbing the bottle of champagne that was left by the hotel staff as a way of congratulating her wedding.

She took a sip from the bottle and stood in front of the vanity, one hand on the wooden desk while the others held the bottle at her hip. She sighed at her reflection and then looked down at the ring on her finger before taking another swig of the bottle.

___Time Laps___

The air was heavy at the restaurant table.

Nicole and Waverly were sat opposite on another, with Rosita on Waverly's right, followed by Jeremy. Chrissy and Robin sat on Nicole's side of the table.

Chrissy, Robin and Jeremy were talking amongst themselves about some new queer TV show coming to Amazon Prime while Nicole fiddled with the bottom of her glass, refusing to look up at Waverly while Rosita and Waverly sat in silence.

"Your food will be ready in just a few minutes, lady and gents." The tall, dark-haired waiter smiled at the table before nodding and walking with haste across the room.

"Thanks." Waverly responded before he walked away.

"So, why's everyone so quiet tonight?" Robin then spoke after a few more moments of silence.

"Umm...it's nothing." Waverly tried shrugging it off, giving the boy a small smile as she spoke.

"Doesn't seem like nothing- not that its any of my business. It just makes things a bit...awkward." Robin tried to laugh it off, speaking gently, his thumb smoothing across Jeremy's hand as he spoke.

"Just leave it, Robin." Rosita muttered at the boy.

"No." Waverly then spoke.

Nicole looked at up her, a frown on her face at the brunettes words, waiting for her to continue.

"Me and Nicole has a bit of an argument. It's nothing big, just...a misunderstanding. Rosita sort of knows what's going on but I would rather not discuss it with you all. Not here." Waverly continued, sighing and adjusting her knife and fork.

Nicole shook her head and shifted her gaze back to her glass of red wine as the table went silent once more.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude on anything." Robin spoke again.

"No, it's okay, Robin. We're probably not the best company right now." Waverly breathed a laugh as she looked at the boy.

"It's okay." Robin chuckled.

"And here's your food. Sorry about the wait." A female waitress came over and placed Nicole and Waverly's plates in front of them, then moving to Chrissy and Robin and walking to the other side to place Jeremy and Rosita's in front of them.

"Can I get anything else for the table?" The small blonde woman asked, stood in front of Nicole and Waverly.

"No, I think we're fine." Waverly flashed her best smile at the woman before she nodded and walked away.

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