I Don't Want No One Night Stand.

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"Fuck it."

Waverly was taken back by the statement until she felt Nicole grab her by the face and pull her towards her lips, moving them frantically against one another.

Waverly found her balance and placed her hands on Nicole's waist as the redheads hands were cupping her cheeks as their lips moved against each other hungrily. Waverly could feel and hear Nicole's heavy panting as they kissed and gripped her hips harder.

"-Wait, Nicole." Waverly broke away, her lips swollen.

"What?" Nicole breathed, still holding Waverly by the face, foreheads pressed against each other.

"I need you to tell me what's wrong before we go any further." Waverly stated, looking deeply into the redheads eyes.

Nicole smoothed her thumbs over Waverly's cheeks with her thumbs before dropping her hands, Waverly doing the same to her hips, and moved back from the brunette, placing her hands in her trousers pockets.

"I don't want to do this with you anymore." Nicole sighed, staring at Waverly.

"What do you mean, Nicole?" Waverly frowned, stepping one step closer to the redhead but she moved back with a shake of the head.

"I want to be with you, Waverly. I wanna hold you and call you my girlfriend- and I know you're married but Champ fucking Hardy? You deserve so much better than him! I can't watch you be with him anymore." Nicole voice was filled with pain.

"Oh, Nicole." Waverly replied.

Nicole's gaze fell to the floor at her response and she huffed, looking up at the brunette.

"I know you don't want feelings with me, I know it's just a quick fuck and 'see you tomorrow at the homestead for lunch!' but I hate this. I hate only having you for one night, I hate you leaving, I hate that you're fucking married- god! I hate it so much, Waves." Nicole's eyes filled with tears as she sighed and paused for a moment.

"-I want to take you out to dinner and show you off to friends and spend the day with you talking about everything and nothing then going to bed with you and just holding you. I wanna just be with you." Nicole continued, tears threatening to spill.

"Nicole, I-I don't know what to say. I thought we agreed that there were no feelings here? I-I thought-"

"-Waverly, I've had feelings for you since I first saw you freshman year of college. It was never jut about sex with you." Nicole interrupted.

"So, all this time you've been sleeping with me and didn't tell me you developed feelings?! All this time you-you've lied to me- this is why you don't sleep around with other girls, oh my god, I can't believe I didn't see it before. This is why you're so pissed at Champ, isn't it?" Waverly caught on, arms flailing as she spoke.

"Waves, I wanted so badly to tell you. But then you announced you had a boyfriend, then your engagement, then you were prepping your wedding and asking me to be a bridesmaid a-and then you were getting married! How was I suppose to say anything? Seeing you with Chrissy and your family after the vows- when you were dancing with them- you just looked so happy. I-I couldn't ruin that." A tear escaped Nicole's eye as she spoke.

"I started my relationship with Champ long before I started having sex with you, Nicole. If you developed these feelings before our first time together then you should've said something! That first day I saw you in college, smoking behind the church? I saw you and I knew you were different. I knew there was something...something intriguing about you. Then when I met you and got to know you at that stupid party and we-we hooked up in the bathroom I knew I couldn't just have a once night stand with you. You're incredibly incaptivating, Nicole. I was sucked in by those fucking heart eyes and that smile and you're stupid fucking ego and that goddamn fucking leather jacket you used to wear but I never wanted feelings with you, Nicole." Waverly rambled, her voice going between anger and sadness as she stared at the redhead.

There was a moment of silence as Nicole's gaze shifted between the brunettes eyes before looking away and speaking:

"I love you, Waverly Earp. Nothing can change that. I-I'm sorry."

Nicole moved quickly around the bar and made her way towards the lobby area of the hotel, passing the empty front desk and heading up the staircase before making her way down to the left end of the corridor and unlocking her hotel room, slamming it shut.

Waverly heard every move and the fact that Nicole's room was right above her allowed her to hear the door slamming shut. She flinched and a small gasp came from the brunette as a tear escaped her eye.

Why was she crying?

Waverly frowned and wiped the tear away before inhaling and exhaling deeply and then moving in the same direction Nicole had gone, except instead of turning left she turned right and headed to her own room. She closed the door behind her and allowed the tears to fall as she sunk to the floor, back against the door.

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