Nicole Haught, You Really Are a Womaniser.

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Nicole didn't know if she felt relieved or sick when she came to the realisation that Waverly Earp was in love with her.

She never knew the youngest Earp would feel anything so powerful for her.

But Waverly didn't even know herself.

She was so oblivious to her own feelings that she didn't even realise in the many nights the two had spent together that she had fallen for the redhead.

I mean, friends with benefits never does really work.

"Knock Knock. Can I come in?"

Nicole turned from her position on the balcony and saw Chrissy standing at her hotel door.

Nicole swallowed, licked her lips and dabbed the end of her cigarette out on the metal of the balcony before letting the cigarette fall to the floor and walking back into her hotel room with a nod at Chrissy.

"So, what's up with you?" Chrissy cut to the chase.

"N-Nothing." Nicole shrugged, making her way over to the vanity, grabbing a glass of whiskey and sipping it, turning back around to look at Chrissy as she sipped her drink.

"Oh come on, Haught. You and Waverly have had a fight and both of you won't tell anyone what's gone on. So, what gives?" Chrissy crossed her arms across her chest, her eyebrows raised as she stared at the redhead.

"I don't have permission to say anything, Chrissy." Nicole spoke delicately, shifting on her bare feet before sipping her drink once more.

"You don't have permission? What kind of patriarchy bullshit is that? Waverly doesn't own you, Nicole. So, come on. Spill." Chrissy walked over to the edge of Nicole's hotel bed and sat, crossing her leg over the other and sitting up straight.

Nicole didn't know is she was asserting dominance or if she was a just pissed off.

Nicole sighed and pulled the chair out from under the vanity and sat opposite Chrissy, holding her whiskey glass in her lap as she stared down at it.

"Hypothetically speaking, if someone likes you- like, really likes you- but they won't admit it to you, o-or themselves, then how do you get them to understand their feelings?" Nicole's voice was small as she spoke, her head still down.

"Well, hypothetically speaking, how do you know this person actually likes you?" Chrissy replied.

Nicole looked up with a frown and opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself.

"Umm...well, what if this person has invited you over for sex on many occasions? Doesn't that count as liking them back?" Nicole tried.

"Not necessarily. You should know better then anyone, Nicole. Sex is just sex. It doesn't mean you "fall in love" with that person because they make you feel good." Chrissy shrugged.

"What if this person basically admitted to you they had feelings for you but didn't directly say?" Nicole's frown deepened.

"Nicole, I'm not sure what you mean. If a person likes another person, wouldn't they say? Is something stopping them from admitting their feelings?"

A lightbulb turned on in Nicole's head.

"Yes! Um, I mean, this person isn't exactly single. They're in a committed relationship and have been for several years." Nicole spoke, trying not to give away any details that might make Chrissy aware of who she was talking about.

"Well, maybe they love this other person but aren't in love with them like they are to the person they're committed to?" Chrissy replied.

"N-No, um...this person they're committed to isn't exactly good to them. They aren't around as much as their partner would possibly like them to be and they don't treat them well." Nicole swallowed again, sipping her drink.

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