Top Shelf, Don't-cha Think?

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"We're done, Champ."

"W-What?" Champ stuttered, his voice now shaky.

Waverly's eyes locked with his as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"We're done. Get out." Waverly's voice was full of anger, biting.

"You need to think this through, baby! We're married- you just need to shut your brain off for a few days." Champ approached the brunette slowly, hands going for her hips once more.

"No, Champ. I don't need to shut my brain off- and marriage is just a piece of paper. So get out." Waverly slapped his hands away and took a few steps back until she was stood in the hallway, pointing at the front door, eyebrows raised.

Champ froze in place for a moment, looked away and placed his hands on his hips before letting out a dry laugh and a scoff.

"You Earp's are fuckin' crazy." His tone was bitter as he pushed past Waves.

"A lawyer will be in touch, Champ. Show yourself out". Waverly didn't bother to turn back as she spoke, instead deciding to walk into the kitchen, grab a bottle of wine, pop the cap and down a quarter of the bottle before the door slammed.

___Time Laps___

Nicole decided that she was done wallowing in self pity over the fact that she was in love with her best friends sister. Nicole decided she was fine with it, it didn't matter that Waverly didn't love her back.

She was fine.

"Hey, Shae. It's uh- Nicole. Yeah- it was really fun. So, I was thinking, if you're not too busy would you wanna go out some time...with me?" Nicole paced back and forth in her bedroom as she waited for a reply, over the phone, from Shae.

"Yes? Okay, cool. I'll text you a date, time and place then?" Nicole asked, a small smile placing on her lips as she spoke.

"I'll see you soon. Bye." Nicole hung up and let out a breathe she didn't know she was holding, sitting on the edge of her queen sized bed and rubbing her temples for a moment, contemplating.

She was fine.

___Time Laps___

"Woah, Waves. A bit heavy on the drink don't-cha think?" Wynonna opened the door to Waverly's bedroom, shocked expression on her face as she saw her sister surrounded by two empty bottles of wine and bottle of half drunk whiskey on the youngest Earp's nightstand.

Waverly was laying on her back, staring at the ceiling as now-dry tears stained her cheeks. Her head turned to look at her sister before slowly sitting up, legs crossed, admiring the amount of alcohol she'd consumed.

"We had a fight." Waverly's voice was slurred and quiet as she tapped the rim of the one of the wine bottles, staring at the glass.

"Who? You and Nicole? Or you and Champ?" Wynonna asked as she approached the smaller brunette, sitting next to her sister on the double bed and wrapping an arm around her, pulling Waverly's head to rest on her shoulder.

"Both of them." Waverly's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Awe, I'm sorry, babygirl. You wanna tell me what happened?" Wynonna kisses her forehead.

"Champ's a real shit ticket. He was insulting Nicole and callin' her names a-and saying all the stuff about us in college." Waverly started with a sigh.

"Yeah, he's a real piece of work." Wynonna scoffed.

"What about Nicole. What did you two fight about?" Wynonna then asked, voice soft.

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