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Waverly woke up the next morning with Nicole's arm draped over her waist as she slept. The brunette turned her head behind her to see the redhead still sleeping and rolled onto her back to watch Nicole sleep.

Waverly's fingers twirled a strand of hair that fell onto Nicole's bare shoulders and then moved the same hand to caress her cheek and smooth the skin there.

Waverly didn't know why she was doing this, but it grew to be something they both did- if the other person stayed the night, of course. Waverly would sometimes wake up after a heated session to Nicole kissing her shoulder or playing with her long hair, sometimes Nicole would even hum a song as to wake Waverly up.

A sudden knock at Nicole's door caused the redhead to jump awake, flinching and squinting her eyes before rolling onto her back and huffing to herself, Waverly watching her as she moved.

Nicole turned her head to look at the brunette, winking, sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed, leaning down to pick up her discarded underwear, pyjama trousers and then standing up to pull the trousers on, walking over to her suitcase at the foot of the bed and pulling on a Purgatory Softball baseball tee.

Waverly pouted at the layers of clothes Nicole added and then realised she was still lying naked in her bed.

Waverly quickly moved to grab her nightie off the floor on Nicole's side of the bed and slipped it on, turning to look into the vanity mirror a few feet away from the king sized bed and ruffled her hair so it didn't look like 'I just had sex for four hours with someone who isn't my husband'.

Nicole made sure Waverly was decent before opening the door and was greeted by Chrissy Nedley.

"Hey, Chrissy. Whatcha need?" Nicole asked, leaning against the frame of the door as she spoke.

"I was looking for Waverly, she wasn't in her room when I knocked. Oh, she's here." Chrissy then said, noticing Waverly leaning against the vanity table with a slight wave and a blush forming on her cheeks.

"Hey, Chrissy." Waverly grinned at the other brunette.

"Hey yourself, sneaking into Haught's room now, huh?" Chrissy smirked, Nicole letting the taller brunette walk into her hotel room, closing the door behind her.

"No, Nicole invited me over, she wanted to talks to me- see if I was doing okay, ya'know, since Champ decided to leave." Waverly lied.

"Ah, I see. Well, breakfast is being served as we speak and if we don't head down there I'm pretty sure Rosita will drink all the fruit cocktails." Chrissy responded.

"Okay, we'll meet you down there." Waverly smiled at her friend before Chrissy nodded and turned back around to leave.

After Chrissy left, Nicole looked up from where she had her hands in her trousers pockets, rocking back and forth as the two brunettes talked and saw Waverly sigh and lean over the vanity chair, hair falling into her face before standing up straight and looking at Nicole through the mirror.

Nicole grinned at the brunette before walking over to the desk and standing behind Waverly, leaning over her, her body pressed into Waverly's backside, before she grabbed a hairbrush from the table and moved to the left of the gasping brunette to brush through her hair.

"That was close." Nicole smirked at Waverly through the mirror, brushing her hair back and finding her part-in.

"Yeah, maybe we should stop these sessions, they're becoming dangerous." Waverly's voice was full of teasing as she ran her hand through her hair in an attempt to flatten it, smirking at the redhead through her mirror as she spoke.

Nicole scoffed in response, handing Waverly her hair brush and patting the girl on the behind, walking over to her suitcase, rummaging around for some clothes to wear for the day, Waverly's eyes on the redheads backside through the mirror as she squatted to look into the suitcase.

"Stop staring at my ass, Waverly." Nicole then spoke, voice filled with cockiness once more.

Waverly rolled her eyes even though Nicole couldn't see and focused on brushing through her hair, then placed the brush on the table before adjusting her nightie and turning around.

Nicole was in the middle of putting on a maroon v-neck t-shirt when Waverly turned and the brunette found herself staring at the redheads pale stomach again. Nicole noticed and once her shirt was on walked over to the brunette and placed her head near her ear.

"Go and get ready before I take you back to bed." Nicole whispered before moving away and grabbing a pair of black skinny jeans.

"Fine." Waverly pouted before leaving the redhead to continue getting ready.

___Time Laps___

Once Waverly had finished getting ready for the day she headed downstairs and was greeted with a table full of fruits, a large selection of breakfast foods and her friends situated around the rectangular table.

"Finally!" Chrissy spoke, smiling at the brunette as Waverly sat next to her at the head of the table.

"Sorry, I had to have a shower and look at least half-decent." Waverly spoke, grabbing a spoon and dishing some fruit into a bowl and then taking a fruit cocktail from Chrissy's hands.

"So, what do we have planned for this weekend then, Waves? Bikini time in the pool? Getting drunk before midday and making bad decisions?" Rosita asked, waving her almost empty glass around as she spoke.

Waverly rolled her eyes at Rosita, sipping her drink and forking some fruit cubes into her mouth before responding:

"Well, I was thinking we have a girls night out, come back here around ten o'clock and chill out in the hot tub."

The other girls, minus Nicole, 'oohed' in response and agreed to the idea while Nicole sat back in her chair, rocking her glass of fruit cocktail on the table.

Waverly noticed Nicole's lack of enthusiasm towards the idea and frowned at her for a moment, trying to get her attention, before Chrissy tapped the brunette on the arm and they started talking about whatever.

___Time Laps___

"Knock knock." Waverly opened Nicole's hotel door and knocked, peaking her head into the room, trying to find the redhead.

"Hey." Nicole responded.

Waverly stepped into the room and finally made eye contact with Nicole. She was dressed in nothing but a white towel that covered from her chest down to her mid-thigh, causing Waverly's mouth to go dry.

"Whatcha need?" Nicole asked, grabbing a towel from the end of her bed and drying her hair in the vanity mirror.

"Y-You just seemed off at breakfast. I wanted to make sure you're okay?" Waverly fiddled with her fingers as she spoke, still standing a few feet away from the door.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just not into the whole 'go out for drinks and sit in a hot tub with a girl you've fucked' ya'know?" Nicole spoke, brushing her damp hair in the mirror.

"Oh, o-okay. You don't have to think of it like that though." Waverly shrugged, stepping towards the redhead.

"Well, how else would I think of it?" Nicole questioned, turning to look at Waverly as she continued to brush her hair.

"I don't know, as my friend? As one of my bridesmaids? As someone I've known since college?" Waverly spoke.

"We'll see." Nicole replied, turning back to the mirror.

"...Okay." Waverly faulted before deciding to turn around and leave.

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