Steven and Amanda have a Playdate

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It was a beautiful Saturday morning, so I asked my parents if we could go to the park. They agreed to go with me, and when we got the park, I saw Steven with his parents. So I ran over to them and said hello to them.

Cleo: Hello, Amanda

Steven: Hello, Amanda

Cleo: Did you come with your parents, Amanda?

Amanda: Let me go and get them

I brought my parents over to Stevens parents and they were getting along like friends. As they were talking, Steven and I went over to the playground to play.

Amanda: Let's go on the slide first

Steven: Okay

~ ~ ~

After a long day at the park, Amanda's parents, Anubi and I had agreed that it was time to head home for the day.

Di: Time for us to head home, Amanda!

Amanda: But I want to play with Steven some more

Di: There will be other chances to play with, Steven.

Amanda: Can I stay with Steven this weekend?

Di: At his place?

Amanda: Yeah

Di: Is that alright with you, Cleo?

Cleo: We'll see

And with that, Amanda and her parents left for home and so did Anubi, Steven and myself do the same.

Cleo: Did you have fun today, Steven?

Steven: Yeah!

Anubi: What did you enjoy about today?

Steven: I enjoyed playing games with Miranda

Cleo: What didn't you like about today?

Steven: I don't know

Anubi: Did you enjoy playing with Amanda?

Steven: Yeah

Cleo: We're happy for you, Steven

~ ~ ~

I stare at the open desert before me for a while, when Smoky left my body and stood beside me. I acknowledged him with a glance and went back to staring at the desert.

Smoky: What seems to be the problem?

June: Why do you care?

Smoky gave me a stare with a raised eyebrow, and I looked away from his gaze. My heart started to feel strange when I looked away and couldn't explain what it was.

Smoky: Why are you looking away from me?

June: . . .

Smoky: Don't be shy, June. Why are you looking away from me?

June: I . . . I don't know

Smoky: Do you have feelings for me?

June: I . . . no idea

Smoky lightly laughed at me, and I seemed to smile when he was doing so. He seemed to be genuine in his laughter and I guess that I enjoyed that.

Smoky: What seems to be on your mind now?

June: Nothing

Smoky: I know you're lying, but I'll take it

June: Quiet you

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