Legally Misguided

Start from the beginning

I didn't care about it being different as long as Michael was okay. I couldn't believe that Joseph would do something like that to his own son ... it still poked holes in my heart in thought of how things could've been worse if the rest of them didn't break it up in time.

Valentina and Robert decided to wait behind as I slowly entered the room, my eyebrows furrowing once seeing the empty hospital bed, that was until my eyes were soon being covered by large warm hands.

I gasped slightly. "Baby what the hell, What you doing up? You supposed to be in bed." I giggled feeling his soft pecks on my exposed shoulder.

He hummed. " Mm, You should call me that more often, Delicate, See I thought of that one this morning." he chuckled softly before removing his hands.

The sight of my favorite roses made me smile before I realized the basket he had in his hands. " Sweets for my sweet," he said in a silly British accent earning laughter from me as his hands snaked around my waist - making me feel weak and giddy within his presence.

I smirked up to him once spotting the chocolate covered strawberries. " Hm, my favorite ... but how you do all this mista?" I inquired yet he only placed a single finger over his lips.

" It's a secret now come on and kiss me, girl." he placed a hand on my face causing me to lean back.

" But your bandages."

"Are for my nose girl not my lips now pucker up." his chuckle relaxing me as I allowed his lips to touch mine.

His kisses were so soft that it made my skin numb with tingles, our lips taking their time with one another during the series of sweet open mouth kisses before closing in - detaching with a light smack and a groan from him.

" Happy birthday Delicate, you know that's two nicknames I got for you and not a single one for little ol me."

" Hm, how about ... Hardheaded? Now get in the bed like your doctor said."

He chuckled and put his hands up in surrender as I gently pushed him onto it earning laughter from him. " But seriously come on girl give me something."

I tilted my head to the side and playfully rolled my eyes. " What about Bean?"

" Bean?" his face scrunched.

" Yeah cause that's how yo head-shaped." I teased and he scoffed.

" You know what — leave the nicknames to me." he smiled as I tucked him under the thin covers then took a seat in the chair next to the bed, taking his hand in my grasp.

" I really wish you could come out with me t'night. Robert's taking me and Tina to KoKo's Playhouse t'night where Dezzel Crane, the man that's taking over Limelight Records, wants to meet us... I'm nervous as hell." I admitted while playing with his fingers, Michael, on the other hand, began to grin.

" You got nothing to be nervous about unlike Bobby, he's actually pretty down to earth. Last night he called me... he wants to meet with me soon as I get better to talk business."

" That's good baby why you so nonchalant about it?"

" I'm not, I don't know it's just a lot to take in. I'm finally stepping out alone, something that I thought would never happen and this fast."

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