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Hey there,

So we did it. Just A Nurse. Finished.

Just like to say one last thank you to everyone who has waited so patiently for me to finish this book. You're all amazzing.

Love E x

Finished 1/6/19 @ 12:17 a.m.


"Seriously, Jersey?" Bucky's voice swamped around her head as she pulled up at the new house.

"What's wrong with New Jersey?" They had been discussing where they were going to live over the radio when Peggy had reminded Liv of her commitment to the USF, and now also the SSR. The base she was likely to be stationed at now that she was living in the US was Camp Lehigh.

"It's not New York."

"You said kids raised in the city always turn out wrong-"

"Oi-" Steve (a serial eaves-dropper) countered in the background.

"You used yourself and Steve as examples. So I stopped looking in the city." Liv continued as if Steve hadn't even spoken.

"But Jersey?" Barnes teased again, earning yet another eye roll that he couldn't see but knew happened.

"Well one of us has to work and you're going to be out of a job once HYDRA is cleaned out. Unless of course, your planning to put on a costume and start dancing on stage in tights like Steve will be."

"Hilarious-" he scoffed smirking to himself "Did you hear that men? My wife's a goddamn comedian." His wife. She'd give anything to hear him call her his wife one more time. She was no one's wife anymore.

"Liv, these suitcases, where do you want them?" Elsie called through the house. Elsie was stationed at Camp Lehigh as Head Nurse so she had offered to help Liv unpack on her day off.

"Which ones?"

"These blue ones-"

"Leave them." Liv sighed, making her way with Charlie on her hip back to where Elsie was stood in the hall. "They're going into the attic."

"Kane is bringing the rest of the boxes now," Elsie announced, reaching for the giggling, blonde boy and making faces at him to keep him laughing. There was more air out in Jersey. Liv already seemed to breathe a little easier now that she was out of that apartment. She was closer to Peggy's house out here too, and Peggy really was the only person Elsie felt understood what Liv was going through.

Peggy had stayed with Liv until Charlie's first birthday but she was moved out by Christmas. Liv had been home six months when Rose and Elsie had managed to convince her to move out of Bucky's old apartment. At first, Liv appeared to be coping well and adjusting nicely to her new life (perhaps that's why Peggy felt comfortable enough to leave). But January and February hit her hard and that's why Rose intervened. For a short while, George had benefitted from spending time with his Grandson. Although, he had taken to calling him Junior, but no one had the heart to tell him to stop. When you looked at the photo of Bucky as a baby, it was clear why he did this- the two of them were identical. He hadn't taken the news that Liv and Charlie were moving to New Jersey very well. Nevertheless, he was a sensible man and he understood the need for it. Besides, he had already figured out the easiest route to their new house before Liv had even begun packing.

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