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Yep, check it out, I've got even more chapters ready

Love E x

Published 14/3/2019 @ 11:56 p.m.


Her latest rally of recruits began pouring out of the tents and falling into line. (She swore they seemed to be getting younger every time she received a new load.) The British soldiers were just as rowdy as the Americans she'd been training when she met Rogers.

"Alright men: my name is Agent Barnes and in case any of you hadn't caught on- yes, I'm a woman. A married woman, at that. So, there will be no catcalling, no hollering, no attempt at flirting. If you do try anything, I will be more than happy to show you, publically, just how dangerous women are. Do you understand?" She glared at the line-up of recruits, waiting for an answer, but she received only silence. This was a typical reaction and so she scoured the crowd to pick an example victim.

As usual she picked the biggest guy in the front row, who always (without exception) smirked when singled out. "What's your name Soldier?"

"Daniels," He let his eyes drift up and down her body. Even though she was nearly four months into her pregnancy, she wasn't showing yet- well at least not whilst she wore her uniform. In her civvies the small bump was clear, and the photos she'd send Bucky showed her progression. But if you didn't know, then she did appear to just be a particularly busty woman, which unfortunately encouraged Daniels' behaviour.

"Okay Daniels, this particular army base is the big bowl of recruits for the SSR. What makes you so damn special that you ended up here?" she scowled up at him, knowing every guy here had an ego to support.

"I'm strong, fast and brave Ma'am." He replied with pride that she hated. She nodded though, not allowing her disapproval to reflect into her expression. Yet she didn't hesitate to steady him by the shoulders before swiftly sink her knee into his groin. Daniels then bowled over in pain with distinctly beetroot colouring in his face.

"Not fast enough it seems... You all have the same weakness, as men. Granted it's not one you usually take advantage of when fighting each other- but Nazi or not, you all have the same weakness. That makes you all a liability. I don't have this weakness, I am a woman- do you understand?" she repeated herself and this time was greeted with the expected reply.

"This program isn't easy, but if you survive this you're more likely to survive the war. Fail and you'll be easy pickings on the front line." She lectured them about rules and respect, before dismissing them with that threat and making her way back into her tent. She wasn't showing yet but the heat and the extra fatigue left her exhausted and searching for shade everywhere she went.

"Agent Evans," a familiar English accent greeted her and she jumped to her feet.

"Agent Lewis," she replied void of emotion. They stared at each other expressionless for a moment, like neither knew what to say. The smile broke out onto his face first, and she followed suit greeting him with a hug. In the confines of the tent, the display of friendship would go unnoticed. Their frequent interaction through mail telephone had led them, unlikely as it had seemed, to grow into quite close companions. He wasn't Steve, and definitely not Bucky, but she found herself without a friend for months. So his steady mix of kind, smart and loyal (traits too hard to come by in the current climate) was a reliable enough source of companionship to get Olivia through. This was however, their first meeting since she'd left London three months ago. Somehow the distance seemed to only magnify both their need for the friendship.

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