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I mean seriously tho! Why do they gotta hit me with that Clintasha feels RIGHT AFTER SEEING CLINT TEACH HIS DAUGHTER ARCHERY.

Actually RIP me.

(Also here's a fourth chapter in one night)

Love E x

Published 14/3/2019 @ 11:42p.m.


Agent Michael Lewis was introduced to the office the very next day. Olivia arrived early that morning, reminded by only her inability to drink tea that she was pregnant. The whole office would no doubt know by lunchtime anyway. She found all her belongings moved from her old cubicle to her new office already, and she could only guess that someone had arrived to take her old desk."Agent Barnes," a voice announced into her office; she looked up shocked, not having heard anyone knock. "Yes Miss Baker," she replied.

Miss Alice Baker held the secretarial position to whoever sat in Liv's current seat. She was the most respected person in the office, after Liv, as she was now in charge. Alice was nice to everyone and a young, classically beautiful woman, but she was more than just a pretty face. She had a calming influence on everyone and she somehow knew everything that happened in the office. She was the perfect person for her position, and Liv was grateful to have her because Alice knew what Liv was supposed to do."Agent Lewis is here for you." She replied, with a tone that informed Liv she should just go with it, despite having no clue why he was here."Good," she bluffed "Send him in please." Alice smiled reassuringly and Liv held her head up as Michael walked in.

After shaking his hand and asking him to be seated, she found the note waiting for her as to why he was here. "So, Lewis, you're to be where I can't be is that right?"

"That's what I'm told," he shrugged indifferently. It was a worrying first impression for a woman who's future job was still at stake. Liv couldn't tell if his unconcerned attitude was toward her position as his superior, or toward the idea of working in general. His youthful face, and upper class, southern accent made the deduction even more difficult. He was either a power-hungry up and comer or an Eton-brat whose father had paid him out of a job in the army to subdue a hysterical wife.

"Agent Lewis, I don't want to get off onto the wrong foot here, but I have to ask, for the sake of my sanity." She dead-panned, shocking the façade of nonchalance out of him "Are you going to try and take my job?" He recovered quickly, slumping his shoulders again. This would be considered disrespectful to a male officer of rank, but she tried not to take it personally.

"Are you going to give me a reason to?" he retorted with a satisfied smirk.

"That's real cute, Agent Lewis," she shot back. "Unfortunately, cute doesn't quite cut it in war. Before you tell me to calm down, or to 'relax Love', I ensure I am wholly calm, and as you can see, my chair is extremely comfortable. I am therefore very relaxed- I am just trying to understand what you wish to achieve in this job. So, tell me Lewis: are you showing me disrespect because you don't believe I'll be in this job very long, because I'm a woman? Or did you just not listen to your mother when she told you to sit up straight? What are you expecting to get out of this job? Tell me, how did you get this job with an attitude like that, because it appears as though you bought your way in; if that is true then you can leave now. I have no desire to waste any second of my precious time trying to show you how to do a job you are just going to half-arse."

"I'm very sorry ma'am," he replied, he was sat up straight but there seemed to be no wavering his confidence. "I believe I misunderstood the advice of your secretary as I came in, she reassured me to relax; I understand now she was just trying to be kind. I meant no disrespect. As for the suggestion of taking your job, I assure you I have no intention of trying to fill your shoes Ma'am. I know who you are, I've done my research, you are Olivia Evans. I've been in this profession a year, I am in no position to try and fill your shoes- Ma'am."

Olivia nodded, allowing a small smile to break across her face. He was nervous and had over-compensated with feigning confidence, she could work with that."Then let's start again shall we?"

"That would be greatly appreciated, thank you." She nodded and they shook hands again, indicating the do-over.

"Mr Lewis, your role is to be wherever I can't be, understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," this was the response she'd been expecting the first time.

"Good, well you'll shadow me in the office for the next fortnight. Then you'll be looking after the office for a few months whilst I spend time training troops in the country. We'll no doubt swap roles regularly like that and then you'll be holding the majority of the responsibilities for about six months on your own." She recounted to him what she'd interpreted from her conversation yesterday with the Prime Minister. Though why he'd had to get involved, she would never know.

"Yes Ma'am,"

"Now, in the name of full disclosure, you should know that I am pregnant. I believe that is the only reason why you are here, in this position. In eight months I will become indisposed, obviously, and you'll need to take over whilst I'm gone." This news did seem to shock him, as it should, it was not public knowledge just yet. "Also in the name of full disclosure, (because honesty is, in fact, the best policy) you should know that I don't believe you in any way competent of doing this job. There is only one other person in this office who would know how to efficiently do this job, and she is just outside the door. I recall you referred to her as my 'secretary'; I'm afraid that you are mistaken. She is my guide and my source of all knowledge and information, as will she be yours whenever you are in this chair. Therefore you should refer to her with respect and by her name in the future. If you don't know her name it is Miss Baker."

"Yes Ma'am," he repeated, with a nod. This time she could see him attempting to process the information- it was practically spinning behind his eyes.

"Do you have any questions?" she asked softly, allowing him to breathe again it seemed,

"No Ma'am," he smiled a little back at her,

"Well, my door is always open Agent Lewis." He nodded again, giving no reply. "You're dismissed," she added, having forgotten that she was in a position to need to say that. He had reached the door when she called him back again. "Oh and Lewis,"


"My name is Olivia Barnes now." That news also seemed to shock him."You may go now." She tried not to laugh at how he hesitated in the doorway, every second that passed seemed only to frazzle him further.

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