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And another update.

The newest Endgame trailer got me emotional/dead so to calm myself down I made myself go back to the days when Steve's biggest problem was Asthma lol

Love E x

Published 14/3/2019 @ 11:38p.m.


Weddings, despite being beautiful, were terrifyingly transient. Before either Olivia or Bucky were ready, it was over and they were back at their apartment. They had only a week together before Bucky was back out in the field; so everything till then was a threat to their peaceful happiness. Even the door they faced was scary, it was a reminder of the day coming when Bucky would walk out of it and return to the war. Maybe that's why they stood in front of it for a while before going in.

Steve and the other commandoes were heading back to Europe straight after the wedding. The newly-weds had gone with them from the reception to the airfield, waving them off and then heading home. The couple was now alone in their apartment and were taking full advantage of it. Bucky was savouring every layer of silk as he removed them from Olivia's body. If she'd known what was heading her way, maybe she would have memorised the way he held her like she was worth the world. Happiness like theirs often blinded people from the reality which hit home again when they found themselves, one week later, back at the airfield. This time there was only Liv waving Bucky off to war. Sad, and yet happy still, because no matter what the faced next they were together. They were married now- they were one unit, one soul- and life was already planning out their future.

She returned with Peggy to England a month later. The flight was very turbulent and both women found themselves gripping buckets- their bodies rejecting their breakfast. Colonel Phillips met them at the airfield with a car, the three of them drove back to the office in London engaged in polite conversation. Olivia didn't contribute to the conversation unless she was directly spoken to, because she was still feeling the effects of the flight. Instead, she chose to close her eyes and rest her hot forehead against the cool window until they arrived. Once they were inside, she quickly found a chair to remain in until she was called for her check-in examination. The procedure was protocol when returning to combat after an extended leave. It was designed to ensure soldiers were fit and healthy enough to continue with their work; jobs were dependant on them passing these tests. Liv had passed every single one since she was fifteen so she wasn't worried whilst sitting in the reception waiting for her results.

"As expected, Mrs Barnes," Colonel Phillips debriefed her inside his office. He made a point of debriefing her and Peggy separately which was not protocol. As he referred to her by name, he struggled to hold back his smile, "You passed your examination." He informed her before quirking his eyebrow slightly adding. "Congratulations Mrs Barnes." She could tell from his tone that he wasn't just referring to her passing the examination, but also to her marriage.

"Thank you, Sir," she smiled, uncrossing her legs and preparing herself to be dismissed.

"Usually, after passing this stage, you would return to combat, as you very well know." he continued, removing his glasses and looking her in the eyes. "However, we find ourselves in a very unusual situation Mrs Barnes: you are not in a state that allows us to permit you into such a situation. It wouldn't be ethical." She frowned in shock, trying to understand what he meant. "What I am trying to say is... congratulations Olivia, you're pregnant."

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