Twenty One

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I'm acc so generous rn lol ;)

Love E x

Published 14/3/2019 @ 11:44p.m.


For the rest of the day, Michael followed her everywhere she went, then he'd run back to his cubicle and wait for her next movements. Over the course of the day, he began to grow in confidence and Olivia began to enjoy having his wit as company. A letter from Bucky arrived just after lunch and was waiting on her desk when she returned to her office. She also found Michael waiting in there as well. He was leaning over her desk, staring at the letter, more specifically at the return address.

"Lewis, what are you doing?" She announced herself, with a quirked eyebrow. She'd left her desk empty and hadn't seen the letter, so his intense staring at her desk seemed strange.

"Sorry, I don't mean to impose, I just saw the return address and..." He picked up the envelope and handed it to her, "When you said Barnes, you meant as in James Barnes, the Howling Commando. I didn't realise."

"Does it make a difference?" she questioned, clasping the envelope in both hands, waiting for him to leave so she could open it.

"No, I guess not, but it's awfully neat you know? I work for you and you are married to him, you're having his child."

"Yes," she smiled, proud being known for being Bucky's wife. She wouldn't want to be defined by him in her work place, but being recognised as his: it was nice.

"Do you know Captain America as well?" Michael's youth was showing- he was less experienced and it showed.

"Yes, I know Steve as well, he was Bucky's best man." She stifled her laugh, settling into her chair behind her desk and humouring Michael for a little while longer.

"My little brother has all his comics," He stated, as if she'd asked. "He's actually the reason I joined the army. I was about to go into Law, I wanted to be a doctor but Lewis men aren't doctors, don't you know? My father was about to set me up in his offices and they started calling for men to sign up and Wills, he wanted to sign up- but he's only ten. So he asked me to sign up in his place. I decided if I couldn't help people as a doctor, the least I could do was fight for my country. My mother threw a fit when she found out and demanded I quit, but you can't really can you? Not without looking like a coward; so my father got me a job on this side of the Channel."

"Why are you telling me this Lewis?" The letter had left her mind; she watched the man in front of her letting his guard down completely. Something she never witness men do, especially not anymore.

War hardens the soul and everyone alive had either lived and fought in the great war, or been raised by the tarnished souls who had. Despite all this, Lewis showed her his true colours were softer than she'd first assumed.

"You asked me this morning what I was expecting to get out of this job... I just want to make a difference Ma'am, and I want to make my little brother proud." She was stunned by his honesty, and wasn't entirely sure how to respond.

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