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Published 7/5/2018 at 2:21am

"Recruits! Attention!" Peggy commanded, walking beside Olivia toward the line of men, Steve's stature was obvious from a mile away.

"Gentlemen, I am Agent Carter, I supervise all the operations for this division. To my left is Agent Evans, she's been given the horrifying task of whipping you lot into shape."

"What's with the accent Queen Victoria," One cocky recruit joked, "I thought I was signing up for the US army?" Liv's eyes flickered to Steve, but he was too concerned with watching Peggy to have even noticed her there. Her eyes refocused on the job just in time to see Peggy knocking the rude recruit to the floor; she bit back the smile she was tempted to show as Peggy readjusted herself.

"Agent Carter," a gruff, slightly amused, familiar voice interrupted.

"Colonel Phillips," she greeted professionally

"I can see that you're breaking in the candidates, that's good." He began, look over to her with a hidden smile. "Agent Evans, good to see you in the field again." He greeted Liv.

"Good to be back." She replied, maintaining her posture even when Steve's head swung around to gape at her being there. "Something wrong soldier?" she questioned in a tone Steve recognised to be amusement.

"No, ma'am." He replied, with a little smirk as the Colonel addressed the line-up, his words faltering when he saw Steve in comparison to all the other bigger, bulkier men beside him.

"Agent Evans, can I have a word?" Steve interrupted Olivia's conversation with a nurse, which happened to be about Steve's list of health issues.

"Yes soldier," she smiled a little "Excuse me," she nodded to the nurse. "What can I do for you?" she began walking around the medical tent till they were out of site.

"You're not a nurse." He stated, confused,

"No, I'm not." She nodded,

"You're an Agent?"

"Agent Evans." She agreed "I was, however, Nurse Alice Jones when I met Bucky."

"What do you do now then?"

"At the moment I supervise the candidates for Operation Re-Birth, I also co-ordinate the protection and security of people important to the war and I'm head of the E division of Agents for the USF."

"Then why are you here?" Steve frowned, still confused by her presence

"This is my current posting: Chief Supervisor of the Candidates for Operation Re-Birth; that's you, my job is to keep you alive." She informed him professionally.

"Agent Evans, HE wishes to speak with you." A soldier with the Camp Phone announced, giving her a note with the colour red scribbled on it.

"Thank you." She nodded dismissing him before turning to Steve "I have to go now, get some dinner and rest well, tomorrow is going to be a long day." She ordered and he complied- still in shock at the news he just received.

"Dr Erskine," she greeted him, entering the meeting tent.

"Agent Evans," he smiled brightly at her "Tell me about Rogers." He asked, looking pointedly at the Colonel who was sat rolling his eyes.

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