Twenty Three

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This my penultimate update for this evening guys. I'll try write the last couple chapters as quickly as I can but given my track record (lols) I won't make any promises.

Love E x

Published 14/3/2019 @ 11:58 p.m.


Dear Ace,

How are you Doll? How's the stinker getting along? You seemed to glow through the shine on your last picture but our boy is getting real big already. I've been missing you something terrible Ace, and spooning with Steve just doesn't do it for me I'm afraid. The boys and I are pushing on, but honestly, Steve needs you to give him a right whooping when you next see him cause my god is the kid reckless. Built like a brick-shit house- that's what Falsworth says. He says it what the Tommie's say. I repeated it in front of Peggy and she laughed like mad.

It's not the same without you Liv, but I'm still going 'cause I'm coming home to you Doll. I already promised Ma to dinner with us when I get back- she said she'd been dying to see you again. She keeps going on about how it's a damn miracle that I managed to get you to marry me. I can't say she's wrong though Doll. The picture I got in my bag of the two of us: you in your white dress looking at me like I was worth something priceless, well it's what keeps me going Ace.

We're moving on again so the letters are going to fall out of sync again, but I'll write whenever I can. I miss you so much, and the kid, don't even know him and he's tugging on my heart. Only a couple months left and I'll see you again. I'm counting the seconds Doll.

Forever yours,


Dear Bucky,

I'd bet good money that this kid is gonna be as much a trouble maker as Steve ever was. Kicking at me all day long, I think he's getting restless to see you. I can't say I blame him. I'm itching to see you again just as much, if not more. I wrote to your mother last week and agreed to meet for dinner the first Sunday after the war finishes... Whenever that may be. We're all but trapped in England now. Almost no planes are allowed to fly unless they are military. The damn raids that the Gerries keep dropping on London make it impossible for any transport to happen at all.

I've been volunteered to assist in separating wounded civilians from soldiers in the local hospitals- as if I wasn't doing enough already. There's hardly any young men left in London that aren't wounded or on leave. Every street is just women and girls and little boys pretending to be soldiers and everyone acting like there isn't a war. Until the air raid alarms sound and then there's barely a soul to be scene.

We lost four girls in the bombings since my last letter. Four young girls with bright futures gone in a second. Agent Lewis, who will be relieving me of my position while I'm away with the baby, has become a good friend to me and he's very excited to meet you and Steve. He's a little younger than we are, and he's never seen a day on the front line. But his heart is full of fight and for now, until you come home to me, it's nice to have someone to talk to. I know that we can't talk on the phone anymore for safety, but I cannot wait you hear your voice again and hug you again and know that you're beside me again. I love this kid more than life, but I wish to high heaven that I could have been out there on the front with you.

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