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I wasn't joking about having a lot to publish ;)

Love E x

Published 14/3/2019 @ 11:34p.m.


It was far from the most beautiful wedding. Everything was locally sourced and it was held in the local church where Bucky's parents got married. It was also the church where Robbie lay, and having his brother close was important to Bucky and thus vital to Olivia. It was snowing which was not supposed to happen in March in Brooklyn. To make matters worse, the Church heater was broken so every person had been instructed to bring their own blankets.

Bucky had stumbled through his vows, shaking as he placed the ring on her finger. His voice was rough and raw with love for her. Olivia had nearly cried through hers. Bucky's baby cousin threw up half way through, but he had landed it on one of Bucky's ex-girlfriends so Olivia hadn't minded too much. Their different lifestyles were dauntingly clear from the minimal numbers of guests of Olivia's side of the church. All her guests came dressed in military gear, whilst the packed rows showed varying levels of formality on Bucky's side. It wasn't the most beautiful wedding, but it was more than Olivia had ever dreamed.

She'd never dreamed of marrying, or at least not seriously. As a child, she'd dreamed of having a big family and marrying a handsome rich boy. Both of her parents were alive back then though, and being a princess was still a viable dream. After her mother died, she'd never given a thought to a life beyond her father. It was written in her cards to live her days out on the farm where she was born. Then after her father died, she had believed her life would be spent drifting from bed to bed, mission to mission. What she had now, with Bucky, never had she ever thought that could be possible for her.

The reception was better. Feminist though she may be- there was nothing Olivia wanted more that night, than to be paraded round on Bucky's arm to all his friends and family- as his wife. He seemed so proud as well. He couldn't stop introducing her as his wife with a giddy smile on his face, even to Steve when he came over to ask them to sit for his speech:

"Hey do you two mind..."

"Rogers, have you had the pleasure of meeting my wife?" Bucky interrupted with a comical wink and quirked eyebrow. Being the good sport he was, Steve made the mistake of playing into the joke, delaying himself further.

"No I don't believe I have," shaking Olivia's hand mockingly as she laughed her way though, what ended up being a ten minute encounter.

Steve somehow managed to get them sat down for long enough to make his speech, but Olivia wasn't listening. She was too busy watching Bucky's reactions; watching his face light up as he laughed and feeling his hand tighten on hers when Steve mentioned how Robbie should have really been there making the speech (but he was honoured with the position nonetheless). She watched his face turn to hers, a smile naturally gracing his features as their eyes met. He lent in to kiss her as the rest of the room cheered them and the band began to play again.

"Did I mention how beautiful you look?" he lent in to whisper to her as his drunken aunt and her entourage of amused children entered the dance floor.

"Once, when I met you at the top of the aisle," she returned, happy leaning her head into the crook of his neck. "You may have mentioned it again when we got out of the church. Then a dozen times on the car ride over here and just now before Steve spoke." She let the amusement on her face fill her voice; feeling Bucky's shoulder's shake as he laughed. "You also told all your family who I was only introduced to today."

"Well you do look beautiful today." He moved his lips teasingly close to her ear. "Almost as beautiful as you are going to look later on, in our bed, naked and wriggling with pleasure beneath me." The flush on her cheeks was almost fatal- forcing her to bury her face into the protection of his chest whilst the heat gradually dispersed. They had been intimate before, and they had spoken about it of course, but neither of them had ever been so forward before. Bucky was so crass and direct about it that she was squirming in her seat, unsure what to do with herself, in case anyone knew from her behaviour what he'd said to her.

Bucky, of course, took pleasure in her bashful behaviour. He laughed, wrapping his arms around her tighter and pulling her into him until she was on his lap. Liv stayed there until George called them to the dance floor where they danced as Bucky's father sang them a song he'd written especially.

"You know, I'm very glad I let the colonel punch me in the face." He whispered to her whilst he glided her across the room.

"I'm very glad you are so determined," she returned, letting her mind think back to her birthday party where they had first danced together. She'd been so stubborn then, refusing to be swayed by his charms. "You know you should be grateful to your pal over there..." She nodded towards Steve, who was awkwardly avoiding being asked to dance by chatting to Bucky's mother. "If it wasn't for the way you spoke about him, I don't think we'd be here today." She teased and he smiled, sending Steve an acknowledging nod, which seemed only to confuse him.

"Well you should thank whoever designed that nursing uniform, because my god..." His teasing retort was interrupted by Liv's playful slap and rolling eyes.

"How did you do it?" Peggy asked Olivia, joking. The women sat around a table outside the reception hall with Steve and Bucky. "How did you manage to get from having so little to now have all this? You were an orphan at fifteen, with basically nowhere to go and now look at you- how?"

"Just lucky I guess," she winked back, squeezing Bucky's hand as she did so. Peggy sat up in her chair, suddenly serious (but still fairly drunk), eyebrows furrowed and head tilted a little.

"No but really, how did you do it?"

"I don't know, I've lived by the same words my father told me the day my mother died." she replied, after a thought, "he said: compromise if you can... and if you can't, don't. Even when the whole damn world is telling you to move- you have a responsibility to those idiots to plant yourself deep as tree and say: 'Fuck you, you move'." Despite the humour in her tone, Liv was deadly serious and the four fell quiet from thought.

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