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Wow, okay so eight months is a long time to not update.

This is definitely on me so from the bottom of my heart, my bad. I have my reasons for why I have stepped away from the book, but they are kind of personal and even though we're all friends here I don't really want to get into it.

I'm going to publish the next few chapters unedited so some facts may not be entirely correct and timelines are definitely my weak point. I also am struggling, post infinity war, to find the inspiration to follow the story line I had previously planned. I want to leave open the chance to do a sequel one day so this book will probably just concentrate on the relationship between Olivia and Bucky because otherwise  I feel it will get too messy and complicated.

A SMALL WARNING!!! There will be a slightly smutty end to the chapter which you can feel free to skip, I honestly don't remember writing it but oh well, it's there now.

Also I'm writing a new fic about Tom Holland and the first chapter of that will  probably be up soon so i'll keep you posted and I'll try not to fall of the face of the earth this time.

Love E xx

Published 02/05/18 at 3:18 p.m


The next day, Olivia's car from Howard showed up; she took it to go and collect her things from where she's been staying with Howard's staff. While she was there she stopped to check up on him.

"Liv," he greeted her with a wide smile, "I figured I'd be seeing you today." He nodded, she couldn't understand how he could have possibly known that, nor did she have time to ask. She'd promised to be back by four so that Bucky could take her on a double date to the movies; even though Steve had tried to reject the offer, Bucky was more determined than ever to get him a girlfriend.

"I thought it would be easier to discuss why we are postponing the experiment in person." He nodded in agreement, leading her to his office space without saying a word.

"It seems," he began, shutting the door behind them, "That our esteemed doctor didn't like any of the candidates; so they have organised another load to be rounded up and shipped over to England, for selection." As he spoke, he rifled around the untidy office in search of something.

"Well how long is that going to take?" she continued, ignoring his actions, he was usually doing more than one thing at once; the likelihood was he wasn't even looking for something that would have anything to do with her anyway.

"Precisely," he sighed, "The last group took eight months to gather together."

"Eight months?" she exclaimed, "The war may be over by then."

"This doesn't seem to be an issue for Dr Erskine," he triumphantly pulled a tiny spanner from the back of his desk drawer. His eyes finally settled on the panicked expression of his associate. "Listen, it's a very serious procedure that can go very wrong in a lot of ways. The worst being that the serum is given, in a rush, to the wrong man whose head does not lie with his heart. Is it not better to end up not using the serum, than handing it to the wrong hands, no?"

"I suppose." She admitted defeat. She left the compound with a furrowed brow,

"Shit," she cussed, seeing that it was already half past three and it took an hour to get back to Brooklyn, on a good day. This was not a good day.

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