Game On (v.2.0)

513 21 47

We teleported away...

"BITE ME AGAIN AND I'LL CUT YOU!!!" I suddenly screamed at his face.

Whoops... I let my Yandere show.

"Is that an offer?" Shiki smirked.

"Uh!! No!!! Well- yes but! No!! Not if you like it!! Ah- damn it, it's really hard to insult you!" I grunted.

"It's a gift," Shiki grinned.

Tst! This guy...!!

"Uh... Wait. Where are we?" I asked, noticing my new surroundings.

"Out of reality. This is where I keep all my artwork... normally, I tend to enjoy destroying most straight after I finish them so these ones are special~" Shiki told me as I looked about me to see endless hallways of art.

"Is... this place real?" I wondered.

Shiki shrugged.

Thanks for clarifying... -_-

I rolled my eyes then moved closer to observe some of the paintings.

"Wow... you're really good," I mentioned, seeing a burst of colours and textures around me.

"You have a passion for painting?" I assumed.

"Certainly," Shiki replied.

"What made you like art so much?" I wondered.

"I was told to try painting as a way to express myself. Apparently, a knife was deemed 'upsetting' so I switched it for a paintbrush. But oh how a blade can excite me in ways no painting could..." Shiki muttered with a small blush forming on the corner of his cheek.

"... Shiki... are you... a masochist?" I asked.

"Haha! Whatever would give you that idea?" he smiled with an innocent expression as horns popped out his head.

"That doesn't answer my question," I replied.

"Hm... Isn't it obvious? I seek excitement!! Thrill!! I've simply found the most excitement can come from things others would deem frightening or... ah hah hah! ... crazy... insane! What was it that mad character would say? Ah! All the best people are crazy, right?" Shiki told me.

"But... you don't like the sting of words, right?" I mentioned as we walked along the vacant halls.

He hesitated a reply...

"Well, some words are just that. Painful..." Shiki replied.

"Besides, it's easier to lie with words than actions, don't you think?"

"And lying's a sin to you?" I muttered.

"Of course. Which is why I despise those devils so much. They're lying to you, (y/n)! You cannot trust them," Shiki's tone darkened.

"And I can trust you?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Don't you?" Shiki stopped, almost as if surprised by my remark.

"Uh..." I was thrown off by his assumption.

"... I'd like to," I smiled, looking away to avoid telling the lie right to his face.

"Well, what can I do to gain your full trust then?" Shiki asked as we continued walking.

"It's not something you can earn just by asking, Shiki. You gotta earn trust in the same way you learn someone's love," I told him.

"Well, I wouldn't know about that..." Shiki returned, looking down with a sad look.

I paused.

"You've never been in love before?" I asked.

Do You Trust Me? (Shiki x Reader) +Yandere!Where stories live. Discover now