Sweet Secret (v.1.0)

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A little something extra for all you people who've been reading this~

(This isn't my video, just thought I'd share it for anyone who hasn't discovered it yet. Also, TW: video contains swearing and sexual references)

I got back home from school but when I opened the door I had half a mind to close it again.

"Shiki...." I mumbled as I looked around my decorated house.

"Follow the aisle," came a voice from inside my house.

"What aisle?!" I questioned as I looked at all the flowers around me.

"The rose petals! On the ground!" He told me.

"Err..." I mumbled as I spotted a trail of rose petals all over my floor.

"Geez, this is gonna take ages to clear up..." I mumbled as I followed the petals into the living room.

"W-what.... w-what... Shiki?! What did you do to my living room?!" I yelled seeing a completely transformed room.

Shiki stood by the sofa which looked more like a flower bed.

I slowly walked towards him a little freaked out.

"Wait! You need this!" He told me as he scooped up a shiny necklace.

"Huh? Shiki what is this?" I gasped as he put the shiny heart around my neck.

He then put something on my head which then fell over my face.

"Wait! A vial?! Shiki what are you-" I was about to ask.

"I, Shiki Natsumezaka take you to be my beautiful wife and I promise to always look after you and never leave you for anything! I love you (y/n). So do you (y/full n) take this very handsome angel in sickness and in health to be your one and only husband?" He asked.

"Shiki what's the meaning of this?" I asked going very red.

"We're getting married. Sines you said about being too young, I thought we could have our own wedding here. If you say yes... even if it's not legally official, we'll be married in our hearts," he told me with a cute smile that matched his charming suit.

"You're so unpredictable Shiki... ha... I love you," I told him with a smile.

"So...?" He asked with an awaiting smile.

I stayed quiet in shock as I glimpsed around the room one last time and without even realizing it tears had filled my eyes.

"This is the part where you say yes," Shiki whispered to me as he leaned close.

"Yes. Of course, I do Shiki!" I giggled with red cheeks as I gazed into Shiki's eyes.

He gently took my hand and placed not a sweet ring but a real silver one with a gorgeous diamond place on it.

"Y-you-you-you have a-a ring?!!!!" I yelled shocked.

"Sorry I couldn't find it earlier. I guess the Haribo ring was all I had at the time," he told me.

"You mean to say that you actually had a ring this whole time? So what you lost it?!" I asked.

"Eh heh. Sort of," he told me awkwardly.

"So... May I kiss the bride?" Shiki asked.

A smile formed as Shiki met my gaze.

"Yes you may," I giggled.

Shiki brought up the vial and pressed his lips against mine as a tear slipped down his cheek.
"Shiki...?" I gasped noticing this.

"Eh heh! I'm so happy!" He told me ignoring the tear.

"Me too..." I told him with a smile.

"So what now?" He asked.

"Huh?" I mumbled nervously.

"We can skip school for a while and pretend to be on a honeymoon here. And... you know what happens on a honeymoon?" Shiki asked with a smile that had gone from sweet to evil.

"Errr...." I mumbled with darker cheeks.

"I'm a little err..." I added.

"Inexperienced?" He finished.

My blush grew darker to his comment.

"Don't worry. I'll be gentle," he told me with a smile.

"... I trust you..." I mumbled shyly as Shiki gently grabbed my waist and softly kissed me...

What happened next...

... is completely up to your imagination! ;)

Do You Trust Me? (Shiki x Reader) +Yandere!Where stories live. Discover now