My Little Blood Demon (v.1.0)

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I sat in class rather bored when I came to notice that two new boys had joined the lesson. It was Mage and Loewen!

Oh no... why can't Shiki be in this class?!

"Hey!" Mage snapped as he turned to face me.

I was sat at the back and he was one desk in front.

"Ah! W-what?!" I asked with a jump.

"Mind helping me out? I don't get any of this crap," Mage told me.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have come back then, huh pretty boy!" I told him, not really in the mood to talk to a frickin' Devil.

"Hey! You think it was my damn idea to come back to this crappy world?!" Mage argued.

"Then why did you come back here?!" I demanded to know in a loud whisper.

"Now now, let's not get into details," Loewen interrupted, joining the conversation from the desk right to mine.

"Ugh... why are you even here? Didn't know dogs could even pick up a pencil let alone take a grade A class," I told him harshly.

"Aww, don't be like that. Come now, we're all friends here," he assured me with an easily fake smile.

"Who says? I never said I was friends with any of you! You wanted me dead, remember? So unless you tell me what's going on then... then..." I muttered, trying to think of a threat.

"Then what? Ha. Please. You won't get the information from us. You'll soon see exactly why we're back here and believe me, you shouldn't think Shiki is so reliable after that," Mage claimed.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to pick out what he was trying to tell me.

Before I could get a reply, the bell rang and class was dismissed. Everyone began to leave the room as I packed away my stuff.

Loewen had gone too, however, Mage remained waiting.

"What are you doing here still? You got extra homework or something? Bet you're regretting coming back here now," I told him, not bothering to turn my head from my desk.

".... you think I wouldn't leave this stupid place if I had a choice? It's your damn fault I'm here!" He grunted in frustration.

"My fault, huh? Yeah right..." I mumbled, grabbing my bad and holding the one strap over my shoulder as I went to walk away.

Within just seconds Mage pulled me viscously back as he grabbed me by my collar and held me almost off the floor!

"Ugh! G-get off me!" I ordered with a struggle.

"Now why should I do that?! So you can go enjoy yourself in this world while I'm stuck here to do one damn thing?! You think I want to be stuck in a damn school the rest of my life?! You think you're so special that you can get away with being what you are?! If you didn't have to screw up our plans then we wouldn't be back here! What makes you think you even have the right to exist?!" He questioned in a lot of anger that I had clearly triggered.

But I found myself not being able to focus on his words while his tight grip had me paralyzed painfully.

"Please! I... I c-can't breathe!" I gasped as he tightened his grip in anger.

In a heartbeat, Shiki barged in, kicking the door as he sprinted in the room. He punched Mage with little effort, creating a surprisingly huge impact.

"Ah!" Mage grunted as he fell to the wall.

"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH (Y/N) AGAIN YOU DIRTY BASTARD!!! SHE'S MINE SO STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!" Shiki shouted with anger steaming from his two tightening fists.

His nose was scrunched up as he looked at Mage with rage with bloodstained eyes that didn't quiver.

"(Y/n), are you alright? What did he do to you?! Tell me!" Shiki demanded to know as he pulled me up.

"H-he didn't do anything... really, I'm fine..." I lied.

Shiki grunted and then drew his attention back to Mage.

"I don't remember you being that powerful, fly scum... if you're that strong then why haven't you killed her yet?!" Mage asked, clearing referring to me as 'her'.

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!!" Shiki yelled.

I have a name you know...

"Shiki... what's going on?" I asked.

"I'll tell you what's going on! He's being a bastard, trying to take the one thing I love away from me! You Devils stay away from (y/n). You got that?!" Shiki yelled.

I've never seen him so angry...

"You know we can't do that," Mage said as he got up.

"We'll keep trying. And one day you won't be there to save her. Ha... then we'll see what you really are, flyboy. We all know you're not a real angel after all..." Mage revealed as he walked past us.

"Shiki. What does he mean by that?" I asked.

".... nothing.... nothing at all," Shiki mumbled.

Shiki soon wrapped his arms around me just like he did not long ago.

"Huh?" I mumbled with a blush.

"Stay with me (y/n)! Please.. you're... you're so precious to me! You're all I have left... Yet you're so delicate. Everyone's trying to get you. My treasure... I won't let them hurt you, (y/n)! You're mine! You're mine (y/n) you're mine! No one else can have you! Promise me you won't let them take you away! They can't take you away from me! I won't let them! I won't let them hurt us.... even if it means the truth is revealed... it's all to protect you..." Shiki told me as tears left his face.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to ask about anything while he was in tears like this. He was a lot like a poor child lost and scared. So I let myself fall victim to him once more, gently rapping my arms around him in a comforting hug.

I may not have said it but while in the moment of comfort I couldn't help but have repeating questions in my head... what was the truth that Shiki mentioned? Could it be that there's something that could change my love for him? If he's trying to hide something, it's for good reason so do I really want to know? But then again, at the end of the day, my mind will keep urging me to find out what it is until there is nothing more to keep secret and wonder about. That's what humans are supposed to be like, right? Not being satisfied until they know everything. Until they beat the game. Until they have conquered everything and more. In truth... I'm just like them!

Do You Trust Me? (Shiki x Reader) +Yandere!Where stories live. Discover now