Shiki's Love (v.1.0)

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"So about sleeping with me tonight?" Shiki asked.

"Oh! Err! L-look I appreciate the offer but I think it'd be too weird to live in the same house just yet! B-besides, I have homework to do so I can't! I'm sorry!" I told him.

"You are? It's ok. I was only joking, you know? I'll wait for you until tomorrow, ok?" Shiki asked.

"Ok sure," I told him.

He opened the door for me. He's so sweet. It's so adorable how clingy he is. I hope that's a good thing though. It's cute at the moment sure but... I'm slightly worried I'm taking this too lightly. Is it just in my head or does it seem like he's hiding something?

When I got home I landed on my bed exhaustedly, falling asleep in seconds...

The next day...

I slowly opened my eyes only to find myself staring at Shiki.

"Hello (y/n). Sleep ok?" Shiki said as he gazed at me with a smile.

"AGH!!!" I snapped as I fell off the bed in shock.

".... (y/n)? Are you ok?" He asked as he stuck his head over the bed.

"I'm good..." I mumbled.

"What exactly are you doing in my room?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry! It's just... I was really worried about you so I wanted to check if you were ok. I hope that's alright?" Shiki told me.

What...? Does he know something I don't? He seems awfully protective. I mean, I can understand why he'd be protective considering that up until just yesterday I thought we'd be forever apart but does he really just want us to stay together that bad or is there something else going on here?

"... it's fine... just don't scare me like that, ok?" I told him, getting up from the floor.

"Ok!" He agreed.

And believe it or not, he actually made me breakfast. I never thought he'd sneak in and watch me sleep thought...

We walked to school together and the bell rang shortly after arriving. I did split off and talk to Levi for a while but Shiki seemed to of followed me to her.

After first period...

"Hi (y/n)!" Shiki cheered as he stood before me in the doorway.

"Shiki? Don't you have classes? How did you get here so fast?" I asked.

"I waited for you of course. That's not creepy, is it?" He asked.

"I guess not..." I mumbled.

After second period...

"Hello, my darling!" Shiki greeted me as I opened the door out of class.

"Again...?" I mumbled.

After third period...

"Hello-" Shiki began to say.

"Wait! Where the hell did you get the flowers?!" I asked as he shoved a bunch of flowers in my face.

"I bought them for you," he told me.

"Wow... thanks..." I mumbled, a little lost for words.

After fourth period...

Take a guess who was outside the door...

"Shiki look, you have got to stop being a crazy stalker!" I warned him.

"Oh right. I-I'm sorry. It's just it's been just under an hour since we last saw each other and I really missed you!" He told me.

"Well, i missed you too. I'm not trying to be mean. This is just slightly uncomfortable... Thanks for worrying though, I guess," I told him, slightly confused.

At lunch...

I sat on a bench with Levi...

"Err... (y/n), is he gonna be here for long or...?" Levi mumbled, pointing out Shiki who was staring at me intensely.

"Probably..." I mumbled, eating pudding.

"Can't he give you some space?" She asked.

"Can't you give us some space?" Shiki asked.

"Hey! (y/n)'s my friend! I give her plenty of space!" Levi argued.

"Well, clearly not enough. We don't want you around and (y/n) doesn't need any more friends. She doesn't need anyone but me so you should leave her alone or I'll have to hurt you!" Shiki told her.

"Shiki!" I yelled, shocked as I spat out my pudding, still with a spoon in my mouth.

Levi started to walk away.

"Levi, wait!" I called as I stretched my hand out to her.

I doubt she was gonna take me seriously with a spoon in my mouth though.

Ugh! Why was Shiki so rude?! He's acting so different! What's going on for him to feel so pressured to force this relationship?!

"No. It's fine. You two have fun..." she mumbled as she walked quicker.

"She's just annoying," Shiki grunted.

"She's my friend!" I yelled.

"You don't need her as a friend. Don't you see? You have me. I'll be here for you forever. Please! I don't want you to belong to anyone else. You can always rely on me, (y/n)," Shiki told me as he looked me in the eye with a serious look, taking the spoon from my mouth.

"Shiki, you can't just decide who my friends are. You've got me so why are you getting jealous of Levi?" I asked.

"I just want you to be safe. If you hang around other people then they might hurt you. I know it's selfish to want you all to myself but I just love you so much. Is that bad?" Shiki asked.

"... no... of course not. Would it make you feel better if we spent some more time together?" I asked.

"Yes, that would be great!" Shiki cheered with a smile.

"Great! I'll text Levi and some other friends so we can all hang out!" I told him, getting out my phone.

"Uh!" Shiki gasped with an equally shocked as sad expression.

Shiki put my spoon in his mouth as he sat back with his arms folded, grunting like a child.

"Don't expect me to be nice to them..." he grunted moodily.

Do You Trust Me? (Shiki x Reader) +Yandere!Where stories live. Discover now