My Addiction (v.1.0)

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We walked to Shiki's house and sure enough, it seemed pretty normal...

"Whoa..." I mumbled as I walked in to see it was all neat and tidy.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Oh no. Sorry... it's just it's all so clean..." I told him.

"Would you prefer it to be dirty?" Shiki asked as he turned to me with a straight face.

"N-no!" I told him with a small smile.

"Haha. Ok then. I thought I should make sure it looked good enough for you. Does this mean you like it?" He asked in excitement.

"Yeah it's beautiful," I told him with a smile.

"That makes me so happy! Would you like anything to eat?" Shiki asked.

"No, I'm fine..." I told him.

"Shall we watch a movie together?" Shiki suggested.

Wait... shouldn't I still be in school? Damn it...

"Oh sure. That sounds fun," I agreed.

Shiki's face lit up with excitement.

"Great! I'll go get some films to choose from! Please make yourself comfortable and don't go anywhere!" Shiki told me as he rushed upstairs.

"He's so cute..." I told myself with a smile.

Shiki grabbed some films and we sat with a cover over us, watching a film.

Shiki crept over to me and soon cuddled me in the such an adorable way that I simply couldn't help but blush.

"You're not nervous, are you?" Shiki asked.

"No. Of course not," I told him, slightly confused by his comment.

He suddenly looked at me strangely.

"Really? That's good..." he mumbled as he got closer to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He smiled but suddenly kissed me!

"Mmm!" I squirmed as I tried to wriggle around.

It was a little more than hopeless. Shiki had me completely pinned down as he slid his tongue down my throat. I mean it was normal for us to kiss I guess but this was a little sudden. He seems so... eager...

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you unless you ask me to," he told me plainly with a straight face as he licked my neck.

"S-Shiki..." I mumbled as I squinted my eyes shut as he sucked on my sweet spot.

"You really have no idea how much I love you (y/n). Tell me how to make you happy. I promise I'll give you everything you've ever wanted. I'll do anything to keep you. You mean too much to let slip away. Please... don't ever leave me, my dearest, most precious treasure..." Shiki told me softly as he gently ran his fingers over my neck as if to check it was real.

"Shiki... I love you more then words can say. I'd never leave you. I promise." I mumbled to him.

Shiki pulled back his head from me with a blush.

"Really? That makes me happy," he told me with a sweet smile.

"I see you've stopped resisting," he added with a smirk.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"Well, it's no fun if you like it. Haha." Shiki teased with a smile as he sat back to continue watching the movie.

"Shiki...?" I mumbled.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Do you... think this is all just a game?" I asked.

"A game? That's a very interesting way to put it, (y/n). But no. This is very real to me. Very real! You think I'm real, don't you?" He asked.

"Of course I do, Shiki. You're the most real person I know! You're really important to me and I'm so happy that you're back here in this world with me. Suddenly it doesn't seem so lonely anymore..." I told him.

"Good girl. Haha, so cute," he told me with a smile as he pat my head like I was a little girl. Yet I blushed like one...

"Would you like to stay over the night, (y/n)?" He asked.

"W-what?!" I gasped.

"Please! That would be so great! I'd love to have you here all night. We can play games and have fun. It would make me so happy! Come on! You wouldn't be a burden! You need a place to stay and you'd only be burdening Levi by staying with her," he suggested.

My face blushed a dark shade of red to hear his words.

"I-I don't think so... Levi is fine with me staying with her. I work on the weekends to make sure I can earn money to pay her and her mom back..." I mumbled with a trembling voice.

"Aww! So cute! Don't take this the wrong way (y/n)... but the shaking you're doing right now is adorable. It might be making me love you even more. Oh, why do you torture me like this?!" Shiki asked as he dramatically fell backward on the sofa.

"Err... sorry?" I mumbled.

"Don't be. Don't say you're sorry. It makes you seem so innocent, you know? I can't control myself when you act innocent! It's so cute!" Shiki went on with a cute smile.

"Sorr- I mean err... thank you?" I mumbled.

"Why are you thanking me? Man, that's even cuter! I love you!" He told me as he hugged me tightly.

Ok... Shiki's acting a little different... it's kind of adorable... I think...

Do You Trust Me? (Shiki x Reader) +Yandere!Where stories live. Discover now