Secret (v.2.0)

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After class...

"Oh, hey (y/n). So like what was that meeting thing about?" my friend from earlier asked as we strolled down the crowded corridor.

"Ugh. I don't even wanna talk about it! Basically, they're concerned about my grades and the fact that I keep skipping class. But get this, Levi, then these two morons started fighting over me like it was some kind of harem, while this other one just casually stood there talking to me," I explained.

"Oh, ok... well, that's definitely strange," Levi admitted with a bit of a giggle.

"Tell me about it," I replied.

"But I can see why they're so concerned over your grades. You have kinda been slipping the last few months," Levi admitted.

"I know... But I don't have time to focus on grades. I'm supposed to be investigating the student council..." I lowered my voice as we walked.

"Right. You were telling me about that. Hmm... Uh! Wait! Maybe that's it! Do you think they know you're investigating them so called you up to confront you?!" Levi panicked.

"Confront me...? I don't know about that. Rem seemed genuinely worried about my progress. I don't think they had hidden motives," I replied.

"And you really believe a thing that arrogant rich kid says? Please. He lies like it's nothing! Weren't you saying just the other day how he's deceiving that Ritsuka girl? And I know that guy Lindo has a lot to say about him! He helped you confirm they were devils, remember?" Levi rambled as if talking about your everyday gossip.

"Keep your voice down, Levi! We may know the truth but every other student doesn't! Are you tryna blow my cover?!" I covered her mouth in disapproval.

"Ah hah, sorry... Guess that's why you're the investigator, not me, hah hah!" she giggled.

"(sigh) Well, in any case, even if they do know and are attempting to confront me, I doubt they could hurt me," I replied as we passed friend groups, talking or walking down the corridor in different directions.

"But still... They are Devils, and strong ones too," Levi pointed out.

"I know that. That's why I need to get the grimoire; so the vampire's can use it to end this war! Then I'll be able to live freely..." I told her.

"I suppose so. Just be careful, ok? You can't trust any of those Devils. And I don't want you getting hurt," Levi warned me for the hundredth time.

"I know, don't worry. I'll be careful, as always," I told her with a smile to ease her worries.

"Ha. Good," Levi said, returning the smile with warmth.

She's always wearing such a comforting smile... She's a good motivator and tells me such good advice. She expresses true care and has gained my full trust. She's without a doubt my best - although only - friend.

But It's nice to have a friend like her close by when you need one, especially with the situation I'm in.

You see...

I'm a blood demon, which is half-vampire and half-demon. But the reason I am here in the human world is to get my hands on the grimoire!

Well... at least that's what my motive has to be. I'm hated by both vampires and demons because of the war happening between them. And guess who else is at war? The devils and the vampires.

I recently was informed by the vampires that the devils existed in this school and that I needed to investigate them in order to help gain access to the powerful grimoire they're seeking. I can sense their magic so I know they're not human. And as Levi's pointed out, Lindo - who's favourably also against the devils - has confirmed that fact, convinced I'd help eliminate them and, therefore, keep his dear Ritsuka safe.

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