The last part says: ‘Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?’

Matthew:16:26 You guys today a politician will sell his soul for some change. A person will sell their soul to fit in. A person will kill to be part of a group. A person will do all kinds of evil to be rich.

     You say a million dollars and half the Christian's forget about going to church. Imagine that, if God made us all rich we would probably let all the churches go empty, and cobwebs would litter all the benches. Yet the clubs would be full, and the bars would have to stay open past midnight.

   You guys if you have to give up your soul for anything, then you will never be happy. I don't care if you were the richest person on earth. Once you get there you will realize I'm all alone with a bunch of money, people who could care less about me, and they still talk about me just as badly as back when I was broke. So what matters to you most? Happiness or something of the world?

   Many people today base their self worth on what they have, or what somebody else has said about them. I'm telling you if you can't love yourself no one else will, and you sure can't love anybody else. Your self worth determines how far you can go in success, prosperity, relationships. If you aren't happy with who you are then chances are you will never be happy. That's the harsh reality it all starts with you.

     Finding your self worth is one of the most beautiful, and most important part of the Christian journey today. You're not going to get up in front of a crowd of people and speak. You won't dance around in a church, and you  claply lightly and whisper amen. God's like what's that I can't hear you, maybe if you speak a little louder and find some self worth you might just dance that damaged self worth right off you.

   Self worth is a value you determine. It's not what somebody else says about us, because most times people make assumptions. If I know anything about assumptions it is it usually is a lie. If you didn't get proof direct from the source how can you assume anything. That's what's wrong with Christian's today. Well sister Bridgett didn't speak today I guess she doesn't like me.

     Did you ask sister Bridgett?

   Another scripture says, ‘Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; ⁴ But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.’

1 Peter:3:3-4

     You guys a lot of people today care way too much about their outer appearance. What they wear, how good they look to other people. I could do probably ten different teachings on this scripture alone, but I want to stress to you is your worth is not based on jewelry. It is not based on what you wear, what your hair looks like, or any of that.

   God already did that and he said it is good. You are beautiful. You are in his image. You are in the image of God. Let that sink in. You are who you are. You can't change that, if God wanted us to be able to change what we look like he would have given us the means to do it. You are uniquely you, and in order to enjoy life you must embrace who you are and begin to love yourself.

   No standards, no outside views, no stupid opinions. Change how you see you. Change what you think about yourself. See a new side of you. You may be saying well how do I do that? I've spent so long in this type of thinking that I don't even realize that my self worth is based on what somebody else said.

   I never got to speak on this subject. I never had a say in who I was because people were always telling me who I was, and what I wasn't. Well today talk your self worth back. It is in God's hands waiting to be reclaimed.

     Ways to strengthen and change my negative self worth:

●    When people say something about you stop and analyze it. Ask yourself, is this true?

●    Think about all the things you have done that were good. Example: Riding your bike the first time is a sign of bravery.

●    Speak truth into unexpected situations. If someone says something about you that is negative you speak the positive out of your mouth.

●    Stop comparing yourself to other people.

●    Break yourself from negative habits. This includes trying to compete with others, and trying to fit into groups.

●    Tell yourself positive things about you repeatedly until you believe it.

   It is most important to change how you view yourself by combatting negative views. You have to stop putting so much credibility into what others say and do and start a journey to discovering that for yourself.

   Prayer for Self Worth: God forgive me of my sins, and cover me in the precious blood of your son who died for me. I'm struggling with my self worth. I'm struggling finding my value and I need your help to break every stronghold, and all bondage that is keeping me from growing into who you intended me to be. Help me stop putting so much value into what others say. Guide me into understanding who I am, and teach me what self worth should mean to me. God take away the chains created by what someone said about me, or did to me. Allow me to be free to choose to be myself, allow me to come into understanding of the true value of who I am. In Jesus name, Amen.

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