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 Forgive Them

    ' Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.' Luke 23:34

Before Jesus died he said a phrase that would change everything for us as human beings. It is a variety phrase. It can mean more than one thing, and it stresses the stark importance of forgiveness. Starting out I didn't know I hadn't forgiven people or even how important it was. Like a lot of things I was ignorant to this. It was never important to me until my life changed forever.

    In my other book titled: 'How I almost didn't Survive Highschool' I tell about the most controversial and painful part of my life. Never has forgiveness become so important. When it was all said and done I hated those people. I wished every moment they would fall off a cliff and the worst would happen to them. I despised them so much, but my heart gave me a hard time because I was the most loving person. Even when they did me wrong I was kind.

    God tells us not to grow weary in doing good, but let me tell you that I was growing weary at that point in my life. Somehow I couldn't bring myself to be evil towards them like they were doing me. Satan used them to attack me and they didn't know it. They didn't know how the ignorant things they were doing effected me and my life. They would have never guessed the pain they caused.

    In Luke 23:34 Jesus says 'Forgive them they know not what they do.' Not only did he mean they didn't truly know he was the son of God, but he meant that even though they were doing such foul, vicious, and inhuman things they still didn't realize what they were doing. Sometimes when people do things they don't realize the effect it may cause.

    People don't realize that what they do can determine somebody else's life. Our family, friends, peers, and random strangers can effect us for the rest of our lives. The good can effect us and the bad can effect us. Sometimes though we have to make a decision within ourselves to not allow the bad things to effect us. Even when people do the most horrible things God expects us to forgive.

    You say that's unfair how can God ask that of us? He knows the effects it will have on our lives. He is the avenger we can't take revenge in our own hands. Allow God to handle it and ask him to give you reassurance. The thing we must realize is what unforgiveness really does.

    I still struggle with forgiveness, but I want to encourage my readers on this journey and share what I have learned. Did you know unforgiveness can make you physically ill? It can manifest on your body or as a sickness. Even science has discovered this phenomenon. Cancer, eczema, stomach problems, and heart problems are just a few things caused by unforgiveness.

    Not in all cases of course can I say this to be true, but many cases. Have you ever heard of broken heart syndrome? A person is so heart broken that their heart swells and they die. Imagine what unforgiveness is doing to your heart. Unforgiveness comes from hurt or pain. When somebody hurts us sometimes we just don't forgive.

    Stress, unforgiveness, and even depression wreaks havoc inside our bodies. Everything is spiritually connected to our bodies. The world is spiritually connected in itself. God now wants people to understand how and why certain things effect them. He wants us to be free.

    Whether you had an abusive father or mother, an abusive husband, you were bullied in school, somebody took advantage of you, or somebody talked about you then you must forgive. If a drunk driver killed someone you love then you must forgive. If you were sexually assaulted you must forgive. The list goes on and on.

    However one thing we don't realize is that forgiveness is for us. We don't forgive people just for their sakes, but mostly our own. If we don't forgive people it will destroy us mentally and emotionally. It is a form of bondage. We can't be free from certain things until we forgive.

    Sometimes we don't realize that unforgiveness is the root out our depression. It can be at the root of all the problems in our lives. When we finally let it go we can be free. Yes you may feel that person owes you an apology, but the truth is you may never get one. I'm not saying it is impossible because God can do anything, but we have to learn to forgive without apologies.

    Some things you may even deem unforgivable like murder and rape. The truth is no matter what it is we have to be forgiving. We have to let go of the anger and bitterness. Let go of the stress and sadness associated with it.

    Ways to live in forgiveness:

●    Practice instant forgiveness

●    Realize that you need to forgive someone

●    Make up your mind to forgive them

●    Think of how it will benefit you

●    When something happens don't keep it to yourself address it immediately

●    Ask other people about forgiveness who understand the concept

●    Allow forgiveness to become a daily part of your life

Practicing instant forgiveness is very important. It means the moment somebody hurts you or does something you decide to forgive them right then and there. I realize all situations are unique so deal with your forgiveness in the way that you think is best. If God wants something to happen then it will.

    God may even lead you into your forgiveness, but you have to be willing to forgive. God knows the appropriate timing don't worry.

Prayer for forgiveness: Dear God I know that there are some people I need to forgive. It is to hard for me to do this alone God I need your help. If there is anybody I haven't forgiven or I don't know I haven't forgiven I ask that you help me forgive them. Lead me down the path of forgiveness and allow my heart to be cleansed of sorrow. Help me to release this hurt and be free of it. God you said we reap what we sow so I ask that you avenge me and help me put it in your hands. God teach me to have mercy and to practice instant forgiveness. Help me understand what forgiveness is and how it will help me. I no longer wish to keep this in my life or heart. Deliver me from unforgiveness God. In Jesus name amen.

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