Shipping Ti- I Mean Shopping Time...

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"Whoever Said That Money Can't Buy Happiness Simply Didn't Know Where To Go Shopping."


Brooks's P. O. V

Brooks: *almost hyper-ventilates from the stress he's having* ...

Nikki: *notices Brooks's expression* Are you okay Brooks?

Brooks: Uhm... May i excuse myself.

Nikki: Hmm... Tell me the reason first.

Brooks: I'm called by the Squid Sisters.... Well, Marie called me.

Glen: *happy Glen noises* Can i join?

Brooks: Uhm... No.

Glen: You're no fun.

Brooks: You're no agent.

Glen: Okay...

Brooks: And before i go, Nikki.

Nikki: What is it?

Brooks: Just remembered this, i brought something for you from F. A. O.

Nikki: Really?

Brooks: You said that you wanted a "souvenir" right?

Nikki: Yeah.

Brooks: I left on the my bed. Just get it. Alright, i'm out. *starts walking to the manhole*

Nikki: WAIT Brooks!

Brooks: *stops* U wot mate?

Nikki: Thanks.

Glen: *nudges Nikki teasingly* Yee...

Nikki: *blushes* Stop it, Glen!

Brooks: *smirks* Your thanks are wasted.

Nikki: *looks at Brooks* What do you mean?

Brooks: You can always ask me anything really...

Nikki: *smiles* Thank you for being a great friend.

Brooks: It's just what i do. Laterz. *walks away from the group*

I went inside the manhole to see what's going on with Marie and Callie. Inviting me to shopping... What's with those two. I'm almost dead by exhaustion...

At Cuttlefish's Cabin...

Brooks: *shows up the manhole* Good evening y'all.

C. Cuttlefish: Oh good morning 7. What makes you come here, lad?

Brooks: Your grandkids are up to something commander. They called me here for some reason.

Marie: *shows up from the shack* What do you mean "for some reason"? I texted you.

Brooks: I just finished a ranked battle. I'm exhausted already.

Marie: "You are required to join".

Ugh... She's even quoting her own text message... Damn it...

Brooks: *sigh of defeat* ...

Marie: Don't worry. We'll treat you to whatever you want.

Brooks: This "treat" you're doing better have no bounds...

Marie: What was that?

Brooks: *facepalms* ...

Me And Myself. (Splatoon Story/Fanfic) (Human!OC!Agent 7) (EDITING/PROOFREADING)Where stories live. Discover now