Made For The Strong-Hearted..

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"You just have to keep going even life would crush you, reality is really cruel you know?"


Brooks's P. O. V

I started to run around this mysterious city I was lost in.

Brooks: Where the hell am I? Those creepy dudes brought me here. This is inconvenient. Looks like it's far away from Inkopolis.

Then I remembered something, I need still to run away as fast as I can from that weird place before the Octolings get me and capture me.

So I ran, for quite a long time, I was surprised that my stamina would last that long. But I was gassed out and started panting on the sidewalk.

Brooks: *pants* I... Gotta get back quickly...

Meanwhile at Inkopolis Plaza...

Nikki's P. O. V

For the last two days, me and Cross were searching so hard for Brooks who has disappeared from the Plaza and cannot find him anywhere else. Me and Cross concluded that Brooks was kidnapped by those who texted him that day he disappeared. We could ask some people but that's not an option since Brooks is a human and the Inklings have no idea that humans still exist. We could contact the F. A. O but Cross disagreed with the idea I had. The reason why is the F. A. O, when lost an Agent and asked to find that specific Agent, that would apparently make a huge commotion in Inkopolis Plaza and Square, and other places surrounding it so that's not an option but there's one more option, that we been doing all this time but it hasn't worked and proves that Brooks is kidnapped. Calling his phone...

Nikki: Cross, it has been two days, well almost 3 days since Brooks is missing. Should we just try the phone tactic again?

Cross: That's definitely an option but I don't think we are getting any answers anytime soon.

Nikki: One more time, I feel it now that phone will respond. Brooks or not.

Cross: Alright... Let's get back home and call him.

Nikki: Thanks, Cross!

Cross: Don't thank me, we are finding my bro here. We really can't celebrate yet without him.

Nikki: *sighs* Yeah, you're right. But I miss Brooks already.

Cross: Shouldn't you say "worried"?

Nikki: Yeah, I do. But not that "way".

Cross: Hm...

Nikki: No! Just, let's get back home and try to call him. We are running out of time...

Timeskip to the trio's apartment...

We arrived inside the apartment and the signal of that apartment was really high for some reason that's why we went home so we can call him clearly there. Our apartment has really big perks that come with it.

Me And Myself. (Splatoon Story/Fanfic) (Human!OC!Agent 7) (EDITING/PROOFREADING)Where stories live. Discover now