Best Day Ever

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A/N alright WTF 2K?! feels just like a few weeks ago we hit 1K but now it doubled?! Thank you guys and i Promise i'm starting on the Dark templar soon cuz in Ghostrider got no more ideas and tons of ideas for the others so i deleted it. enough of that let's get Moving!


Me Yang, Blake and Weiss along with Team JNPR were waiting in the Cafeteria for Ruby. it's been a few weeks and today is the last day of the Break. i went With Blake and Ruby on two dates and they kept the rule of switching to sleep with with no problem. but cuddle is still Ruby's thing and i have to bare with it cause her grip is worse than Yang's when she's sleeping. anyways while i was Bored out of my mind and just finished my food which was a huge and i mean huge Turkey. now i'm full just sitting there waiting for time to pass by "you sure it was a good idea to eat the whole thing?" Yang asked while looking at the bones on my Plate "yep i can get it down in a few minutes. gosh i'm so full when we're back at the Dorm i'm gonna be in a food coma" Yang giggled and looked over to Blake "watcha doin?" "oh i'm just going over notes from last semester" Yang catches a pea or piece of fruit in her mouth "boring" another pea... i think

Yang gives to Nora a thumbs up before a loud slam woke me up causing me to sit upstraight "whaa??? i wasn't sleeping i swear i was just resting my head!" i said still trying not to succumb to the Food coma. "ahem... Sisters! Friends! ...Boy..." "you can say it Rubes. you said it alot of times before" "Boyfriend *giggles* Weiss" "hey!" "hah! Burn Ice Queen!"i said while snickering until a slap on my head made me stop "Ow!" "stop it Y/N it's mean!" i looked to see Ruby pout with a half angry glare and the other half playful "ohhoh it's on cuddles for the rest of the Day" "Noooo anything but the Cuddles!" she said while hugging my arm "what now? first it was cookies now cuddles?... what is more important cuddle or Cookie" "coo-no cu-...cuddle, cookie, cuddle, cookie, cuddle, cookie, cuddle, coo- Cuddle is more important" she said while hugging my arm tighter which surprised me. i thought Cookies were ontop of her list.

The others also looked at her as if she was crazy Yang more than us "Uhh Ruby? i thought Cookies were ontop of the list?" "well now they are second. cuddling with Y/N is more important." Ruby said as she sat on my lap making me Blush and hugged me sideways. "oh yeah back to it... where was i?... 4 score and seven minutes ago... i had a dream" "this oughta be good!" Yang said catching another Grape or Pea... seriously what is she catching in her mouth?! "a dream where we come together and have the most fun i the world!" she finishes as she jumps in my lap. "did you steal my binder?" "i am not a crook" "something tells me you are one" i said while chuckling and Ruby pouted hitting my chest "what are you talking about?" "i'm talking about kicking the semester off with a bang!" i looked over to Yang to see a mischievous glint in her eyes and a grin spreading. "don't you dare" i said

"i kick my semesters off with a Yang! ehh? guys get it?" then an apple from Nora hit her in the face "boooo!" "we seriously need to work on your jokes Yang" i said while Ruby picked up her speech again. "look guys between more transfer students arriving and the Vytal Festival coming up. our second semester is going to be great! but classes start back up tomorrow which is why i have taken the time to plan a series of wonderful events for us!" "i don't know to either be proud or scared for what you have in store" "maybe a bit of both" i said to Weiss "i don't know *sigh* i think i might sit this one out" "sit out or not i think however we spend this last day we should do this as a team" "i got it!" i looked over to see nora preparing to throw a pie but she missed and hit Weiss in the Face "now i don't know if the situation calls for it but this is one hell of a Weiss Cream" Ruby slapped my head again and then someone yelled "Food fight!" and all hell broke lose.

I flipped a Table over for Cover and Ruby came next to me "well this is a fine mess Nora got us into don't you think?" "well yeah buuuutt at least we'll have some fun!" I smiled and said "True" kissed her on the lips for a moment and jumped over the table grabbed a few baguettes and began throwing them like spears around. until the most of the students began to flee and i saw Nora standing ontop of her 'Castle' chanting  "I'm queen of the castle!" over and over again till Ruby slammed her foot on a table with me doing the same right beside her

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