OTP Challenge day 12&13 ||Moonsun||

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"Oh that's good. So I'll see you both tomorrow then?"

"Yeah," Yongsun heard her sister cover the speaker and muffled speaking on the other line came through the phone, "I gotta go, Yongyong; my break's almost over and I have stuff to wrap up being going home."

"Okay, bye unnie."

"I love you, kiddo. See you tomorrow."

"I'm 28 years old, Yonghee, I'm not a kid," Yongsun scoffed with a laugh, "I love you too. Fly safe tomorrow, yeah?"

"Will do," Yonghee agreed, "And you'll always be a baby to me, Yongyong."

With that her sister ended the call, leaving Yongsun to roll her eyes lightheartedly at her claim. She locked her phone, setting it down on the bedside table as she stood up. She caught her reflection in the full length mirror across the room, stepping a bit closer to observe her body.

She was by that point almost 14 weeks pregnant, just nearing the end of her first trimester. Her thin stomach had began to swell, finally showing a considerable baby bump. Now that she was out of the first three months without any complications, her and Byulyi decided it was safe to begin telling friends and family.

They told Yongsun's parents the weekend before at a dinner, receiving a slightly shocked but excited reaction. Wheein and Hyejin had been beyond excited, Wheein already claiming she would be the best auntie their baby could have. Byulyi's family would find out in the next few days, once the couple found the time to make the trip to Bucheon. That, Yongsun knew, could be a questionable reaction; since Byulyi's parents were still struggling with the idea of their marriage.

Clearly, Yongsun wouldn't be able to hide her belly easily from her sister, so they planned to tell her when she came over for dinner the next day. Yongsun was sure her ever supportive sister would react well, but it didn't stop her slight nerves over the matter. Even if it was irrational, she was worried.

"You look beautiful as ever, love," Byulyi's low voice made her jump and she moved her gaze from her reflection. The brunette was leaning against the doorframe, blazer over her arm and her fingers working to loosen her tie a bit.

"Byul-ah, don't sneak up on me like that," Yongsun whined, unable to fight her smile when she met her wife's warm eyes.

"It's not my fault you're so jumpy, yeba," Byulyi teased as she made her way over to Yongsun. Yongsun just pouted at her words, still melting against her solid body when Byulyi wrapped her arms around her.

"How was your day?" Yongsun asked after leaning up to press a kiss to Byulyi's cheek.

Byulyi hummed, "Full of boring meetings and men who think they can talk over me."

That made her wife frown, "Did they bother you?"

"Don't worry so much, Yongsun-ah," Byulyi assured her, "I'm fine, love. Once they realized just how high up in the company I am, they shut up rather quickly."

Yongsun's worried look didn't leave, knowing how often her wife buried her feelings to keep from upsetting her. Byulyi just shook her head and leaned down to press her lips to Yongsun's forehead, "I promise it didn't bother me, I would tell you if otherwise. Don't frown so much or you'll complain about wrinkles later."

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