Anger ||Moonsun||

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Byulyi was angry.

To anyone else she may have just seemed tired or focused, but Yongsun knew her better than that. She saw it in her body language and silence, the way she fidgeted and had a death grip on her phone. It was evident in the way her face was void of her usually mischievous grin, no Indian dimples or scrunched nose muscles in sight. She had adopted a scowl instead, keeping to herself and not goofing around with her members like usual. Instead, she was sat on the waiting room couch, curled up in one corner and her dark eyes narrowed as she read whatever it was on her screen.

An angry Byulyi was never good.

She wasn't one to lash out or get angry very often. Her anger was more the quiet sort, hiding under years of suppressed emotions and a cheeky smile most days. She was too passive to really yell, so most of her rage came in the form of silent treatment and glares. The problem being that it only prompted her to hide things even more. She would push away everyone who tried to talk to her, becoming more reserved and snappy as the day went on.

Certainly not good when they're supposed to be filming a music video.

Yongsun sought to find the cause of her foul mood, hoping to cheer her up. When Byulyi got angry she hid from everyone, even her girlfriend, and it worried Yongsun. She was always the one who the younger went to for advice, ever since trainee days. Whenever something bothered Byulyi she would call or find her unnie, explaining her worries with a furrowed brow and tiny pout. When she was angry though, she couldn't meet the issues head on and instead fell into silence.

"Unnie," Wheein's voice drew Yongsun from her worried thoughts, "Hyejin and I are going to go get snacks, do you want anything?"

Yongsun shook her head but then rethought, "Can you get Byulie a banana milk? Oh and melon bread, please."

"She said she didn't want anything," Hyejin said as she came up behind Wheein, "We already asked her."

Yongsun sighed, "She's in a mood, I'll deal with it. Still, can you get that for me, please?"

The maknaes nodded regardless and disappeared out of the waiting room, the Mamamoo TV camera unnie close behind them. Usually Byulyi would be leading the staff member around, causing mischief and generally hogging the camera. This day, however, it had been Wheein in the spotlight because Byulyi had barely even glanced at the camera she loved so much.

Yongsun stood from her makeup chair, fixing one of the clips in her hair before making her way over to the couch. She stopped in front of Byulyi, nudging her leg gently, "Byulie."

Byulyi didn't look up at her, the only acknowledgment she gave was a little twitch of her lips; as if she wanted to smile but then thought better of it.

"What's wrong?"

No answer again, which was beginning to annoy Yongsun. A lot of their arguments stemmed from Byulyi's stubbornness and Yongsun's irritability. This caused many instances in which their personalities clashed a bit too much, leading to silent petty arguments that made everyone uncomfortable. One thing that annoyed her endlessly was when the younger blatantly ignored her. It wasn't respectful, she would always argue, Byulyi should know better than to treat her like that.

"Moon Byulyi, don't you ignore me," Yongsun hated using her stern Leader tone to get her way, but sometimes it was necessary. Byulyi was quick to answer whenever she used that tone, knowing she would face her girlfriend's anger full on if she didn't reply.

"What?" Byulyi didn't mean to sound snappy, not with her Yongsun, but she couldn't help it. She didn't want to talk and when Yongsun got pushy it really tested her last nerve.

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