Ch.32 Guess Who

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Shido: This is crazy....

Y/N: Yeah but right now we need to devise a strategy. We can infer that Natsumi is currently impersonating one of the thirteen people in these pictures. The note had no rules or time limit on how you find her out. I'm pretty sure she didn't forget to put that in.

Shido: Well, that's good to know.

Y/N: Still, don't get complacent. There's probably no time limit because she will begin to take them one-by-one until no one remains. I asked Kotori to stay away from command for the time being.

Shido: So what should I do?

Y/N: There's only one way. Listen, I can do Origami and Miku. Shido, you'll be handling the Yamai twins, Tohka, Yoshino, Ms. Tammie, Tonomachi, Kotori, and the Trio. I'll handle the others and give the info.

Shido: Okay.....

Y/N gave Shido most of the people since he's the one who ultimately has to decide. With people like Origami and Miku however, Y/N knows that he'll only get the best observation out of these two if it's himself.

Y/N: Remember, Natsumi is a master impersonator, you'll have to be diligent in your observation. Any slight deviation in their behavior, speech, anything. You got this, alright?

Shido nodded giving Y/N a determined face as the boy smiled and patted Shido's shoulder.

Shido: Well at least I know you can't be Natsumi.

Y/N: Hehe, what makes you say that?

Shido: Well.....I guess I can because we've known each other for so long. I don't care if Natsumi can impersonate the Spirits. There's some people she could never truly impersonate if she tried.

Y/N smiled before waving and leaving the room.


I had Reine set up the date for Miku and I. Unfortunately, a day has passed and Yuzuru was taken. Kaguya was devastated so Yoshino and Tohka are watching over her. I met up with Miku at the amusement park as we dressed up in costumes while we were there since Halloween was right around the corner. To be honest this costume made me feel like someone from Phantom of the Opera, or Tuxedo Mask, or Joker. I feel like I should be hopping on people's shoulders and telling them that I'll reveal their true form. Miku also wanted no one to get in the way of our date since being an idol means you get recognized.

Female 1: Wow! It's Kanon Tsukishima and Seig from Valkyrie Misty!

Female 2: In the rare masks from episode six when they saved Misty!

Female 1: Can we please take your picture?!

Miku: Of course you can!

Miku got in front of the cameras and made several poses as they snapped away before looking over to me.

Miku: C'mon! You, too, Darling!

Y/N: I suppose....

Reine quickly described the pose that this Sieg character does so I did and the girls started fangirling.

Female 1: There it is! The signature pose of our lovely Seig!

Once they finished they thanked us but one of them kept staring at Miku.

Female 2: Hey, you seem familiar....

This was no time for them to qustion so I scooped Miku up into a bridal style hold and took off.

Miku: Darling you're so daring~

Once I felt we were in the clear, I let Miku down and we enjoyed our date. Once we were done, the sun was on its way down.

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