Part 21

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Part 21

In the night:

Arnav and Akash came to the house. All the family members are waiting for them in the hall.

As soon as they came, Manorama rushed to Akash.

"Akash. Are you OK ?"asked Manorama.

Akash nodded his head. He sat down beside Arnav on the sofa.

"What happened to Ajay ? How did his car fell in the lake ?"asked Manorama in a haste.

"Manorama. Let them breathe atleast" said Dadi, then turning to Khushi "Khushi Beta. Go and bring Water"

Khushi left for the Kitchen.

" Forensic people examined his car. Ajay took a sudden left turn of his car which resulted in losing the balance over the car and the car fell in the lake. It seems like something or someone came infront of his car and he took sudden turn to save them." Said Arnav.

"NK was there with him naa" asked Ratna.

"Haan Maa. We have enquired NK too. The accident happened after Ajay dropped NK to his house" said Arnav "Nothing suspicious. It was just a case of accidental drowning"

"ACCIDENTAL DROWNING!!"asked Manorama.

Arnav nodded his head and Manorama's mind went back to some incidents hearing the term.

After one week:

"ASR" Aman entered into Arnav's cabin hurriedly.

"What happened Aman ?"asked Arnav.

" In those suicidal cases, I found a man suspicious around the victim's house before two or three days. He followed them everywhere they went. He, even went into their apartment building on the day they were killed" said Aman.

He opened laptop and showed CCTV footage. Arnav observed it keenly.

" I think the beard and moustache of the man are fake Aman." Said Arnav.

"Even I too taught the same. So, I asked the sketch artist to make the sketch of the man. He must be coming" said Aman.

Arnav nodded his head and kept on observing the man. He resembles someone he knew.. But whom ??

Just then, Arnav's mobile rang. He saw the caller id which was from AR IT department head

"ASR." Said the caller on other side.

"Yeah. It's me" said Arnav.

"ASR. Few days back, you asked me to check back ground of Arun."said the man.

"But he is dead. What now ?"asked Arnav.

"There is something about him Sir." Said the man.

"What is it ?"asked Arnav.

"Sir, in my investigation about him, I found out that there was an allegation of rape on him. It was not only on him Sir but also his friends Ajay, Ankush and Akash sir too" said the man.

"What!! Akash" asked Arnav shocked.

"Yes Sir.. There were allegations against them but the case was closed since there was no any evidence." Said the man.

"When did it happen ? Give me full details" asked Arnav.

"Five years ago, in Shimla. A girl named Lavanya Mishra, who was an intern in xx company was found dead in the swimming pool of the hotel sir. There were allegations that she was raped by these four and they killed her. But her postmortem report said she took heavy alcohol and fell into the pool. The police closed the case as Accidental drowning" said the man.

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