||Chapter 01||

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A/N There are characters that I have in mind but I'll reveal each one as they are introduced to the story. (You don't have to use them but it'd be easier considering I don't mention features much)


I can't help but smile. Its been less than 24 hours since River Kerrington kissed me.

Sure I've had other kisses, but never from anyone at my school. Everyone at my school saw me as a 'Freaky Lenny' the outcast who lived in a small busted apartment on the wrong side of town, littl did they know my life was the complete opposite.

In River's mind, he kissed me Cecelia not "Freaky Lenny". I frowned at the realization he would treat me the same at school. Walk past me in the halls like I didn't exist, Sit on the opposite side of the Lunchroom in his little clique, Throw papers at me in classes, or Watch his friends tug on my hood like it were the most interesting thing in the world. I'm surprised none of them had pulled it off yet. Maybe they enjoyed the mystery.

"Lia whats wrong" I look around the jet to see each of my friends with a concerned look on their face "Nothing" I smile shaking it off, "Its about school isn't it," Tessa says reading my mind. Shes always been good at reading people.

There were few people in this world I was able to be myself around and my friends were apart of those people. I loved all my friends. There was never any jealousy or competition, We were just us.

Our parents have been friends for as long as I can remember and so have we. Bianca was the first I met her mom was a model and Bianca definitely picked up on her model features, she had deep brown eyes and long silky brown hair and some how managed to make them seem unique. We then met Mariana, August, and Tessa at a fashion show in Paris when we were four. We all came dressed as different princesses (I was Cinderella) our parents thought it was the cutest thing ever and made us take a photo together. After that moment we instantly became friends and it's lasted ever since.

"It's not that it's just..." I trail off before Mar speaks up "Maybe if you just took that hood off and actually mingled with other people you wouldn't be so worried" she says trying to be helpful. "Remind me again why you wear it" Tessa says being forgetful as always "Because...I don't want to be like them. I don't want to be treated differently" It was true I hated being treated like I'm superior, A trait I picked up from my mom. My mom was a stubborn and grounded woman she refuses to have any staff working in our home. After her and my father got married she made him remove all staff members. My father agreed to remove most of them apart from the security and drivers, but they both made sure to pay each of the staff enough to live off of for the next few years before letting them go. I loved my parents.

"So you'd rather be bullied?" August says from the recliner across from me "'Im not being bullied" I attempt to lie knowing they'd see right through me "Well maybe not bullied but you are still harassed by those girls" August replies "Its fine its just one more year and then we'll all be at college together" I say trying to be optimistic and look at the bright side.

Mar just shakes her head "I swear if I went to your school I'd teach those spoilt brats to mind their own business" Mars always been feisty and confident which is probably why shes the only one out of all of us that actually has a boyfriend apart from Tessa.

Sure the rest of us are asked out constantly (Yes even me. Only when I'm not wearing the hood) ,  what Mariana and Xavier had was more meaningful he was always so sweet to her like those cheesy Tumblr boyfriends. I sigh in my head realising the chances of me having anything close to that were about one in a million.

After a 4 hour flight which consisted of lectures about taking off my hoodie, Mar and Tess's relationship drama, memories of our vacation, The girls mocking me about River and then a few more lectures about my hoodie which lasted right up until landing.

We exited the runway to see five drivers with each our last names written on their signs.






We each handed our drivers our bags before reuniting in the middle of the cars "I'm gonna miss you guys" I say forming a group hug.

It sucks that I cant go to either of their schools Tess and Bianca both attend an elite all girls boarding academy in the east, while August studied overseas hence her Australian accent, and Mar  goes to a different campus of my school knows as Westdale Academy whereas I attend Northdale Academy a school full of snobby rich kids who think they're better than everyone. I had the most cliche high school experience of us all.

"Hey only 15 more weeks till winter break" Tess squeals, I groan knowing I won't be able to see any of them then "I have Eden-dale camp" I announce "Oooo yaaay you're actually going" Mar asks as they all squeal since me going anywhere was unusual.

Normally I'd avoid things like this but I realized it was my senior year and I needed to do more things, more high schooly things. Things like senior camp, like football games, like....prom.

After we say our final goodbyes I get into the limo taking my seat in the front next to Sergio as usual. Sergio was my driver and like a second father to me I hated sitting at the back in the huge space alone, I preferred to sit at the front and have a little girl talk with Sergio, "So Miss what are your plans for the rest of summer" He says in his low husky voice "Reading again I'm afraid" I hold up my book "Miss one of these days you are going to have read every book in the world then what will you do?" He mocks "I'll just have to annoy my favorite driver for the rest of my days" I laugh "we can't have that now can we," he says as he pulls out of the hanger.

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