You are NOT Doing that

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"Jimin? I'm hungry." As if on cue, Jungkook's stomach rumbled loud and clear.

Lightly chuckling, Jimi replied with a peck n the cheek and a promise to make dinner. As time ticked by, Jungkook slowly started getting bored. He started with swiveling around in the chair, gazing out at the scenery from the balcony, singing some familiar local tunes, and even reading books. Suddenly, something caught his eye. It was shiny and reflective, the slight bouncing off the metal surface.

Curiously picking it up, he held it up to the light and examined it, turning it that way and this way. It was a letter opener, a sharp one at that. Jubgkook then proceeded to rest his tired legs by sitting on the swivel chair behind the desk. Sighing, he turned round and round. Feeling something prick at his finger and a sharp burst of irritation and pain, he surprisedly let go of the letter opener which clattered to the ground a few feets ways off.

Oh. Oh. He had pricked himself, the drop of blood glistening on his finger. He was still immersed, looking at it when the door burst open.

Jimin who was in the midst of cooking heard a yelp of pain followed by a sound of metal meeting wood. Rushing up to the study room with spatula in hand, he found Jungkook staring at the wound on his finger.

"Kookie! What happened?" Jimin hurriedly crouched down by Jungkook, licking the wound before looking into his eyes.

"I-I just well you know..." Jungkook looked everywhere besides Jimin, a blush forming on his cheeks.

"Kookie. You played with the letter opener? Yes?" Jimin connected the pieces, to seeing the opener on the floor and the pinprick on Jungkook's pointer finger which could only be from it.

Jungkook ashamed, nodded his head before covering his face with his hands, hot blush taking over his cheeks. Jimin smiled slightly before turning serious.

"Kook. I think we are going to have something about your casualties. Hmm?" Jimin turned serious, his possessive instinct taking over.

"Don't tell me you're going to lock me in the house or tape me to the bed so I can't do anything or you are going to—" Jungkook was shut up by a light kiss on the lips.

"I wasn't going to do any of those things." Jimin mischievously grinned and Jungkook felt something wasn't right.

"What is it then?" Jungkook asked, already fearing the answer.
"I'm wrapping you up in blankets!" Jungkook mentally facepalmed, knowing Jimin's idea was absolutely not plausible, they had work and well it wouldn't do for him to be all wrapped up constantly. It was crazy.
"You are not doing that. It's crazy." Jungkook swatted a the hands trying to cover him.
"Kook? Who's in charge?"
So you probably weren't expecting this but it's here! They figured it out really fast for some reason, the technology problem. Hope there aren't any typos or mistakes that drastically changed from the original meaning or anything! 
Anyways, hope you liked it! As always,
And my signature line at the end,
it's always optional.

Also, I am in desperate for a better replacement for 'blankets'. Cringe.

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