Chapter 14

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This was her fault. He had been exercising control with her and she goes ahead and sends a picture of that really red slutty-sexy lingerie. He hadn't been able to think of anything but Izzy in it and out of it.

He was lighting the last candle when he heard the knock.
She was here.

Andre stepped into the living room and made his way to the door, stopping at the kitchen to drop the lighter. He opened the door and his mouth fell open. Izzy stood in front of him in a red number, enough cleavage to tempt and wonder what hid behind the bralette bodice, the tiny strap that held the dress up was calling him to slip it off her shoulder. Her neck was bare, open, not a single jewelry to block his view of her long neck. His gaze swept downward to her tiny waist and the slight curve at her hips, the dress hugging every inch of her and falling mid-thigh. Her legs looked like it went on for days in those fuck-me shoes.

Andre swallowed as he lifted his gaze back up the same way they came and her gaze locked with his.

"Are you going to invite me in or just eye fuck me?" She asked

"How about I do both?" He asked, "Without the eye."

Izzy blinked to ward off the dirty thoughts.

"Come in." Andre invited her inside.

"Thank you." She said as she stepped inside. Andre shut the door behind her as she swept her gaze around the penthouse. She looked behind to find him still checking her out "Nice place."

He lifted his gaze to meet hers, taking his time.
"I'll remember to thank my assistant for picking the place out."

She smiled as he made his way to her, slowly she stopped herself from stepping backward with the way he watched her as he did so.

"Come." He said when he was in front of her, his hand held out to her. She looked at it, then at his face and back again. "I'm not going to bite."

She placed her hand in his.

"At least not now." He said pulling her to his side, his other hand grabbing her waist, his fingers pressing harder making her jolt into awareness.

He led her to the balcony where the light from the living room shone through the glass door. The table was set with candles lit on the candle stand in the middle. It was small and intimate.

He came to a halt when Izzy stopped beside him. He looked down at her face and saw her eyes fixed on the table.

She was too busy admiring the view of Leicester from where she was; she hadn't spotted the table on the other side of the balcony. Her legs stopped as she stared at the table. It was the sweetest and most thoughtful thing. No one had ever done anything so personal for her. She looked up at Andre to find he was already looking at her waiting for her reaction.

She stared into the eyes of the man who had taken the time to treat her to a nice evening.
"It's beautiful." She said looking at the table "Everything." She said walking towards the table and stopping in front of it then turned to look at him. "This. The view." She smiled at him as he made his way to her taking her hands in his.

"I'm glad you like it." He said, "It's the first time I've ever done anything like this."

"Well, it's the first time anyone's ever done anything like this for me." She said as she pulled her hand from him and wrapped it around his neck.

He smiled as he leaned into her and wrapped his hand around her pulling her closer.
"Well, I'm honored to be your first."

Izzy blinked.
There was no way he knew.

Andre saw the look that passed in her eyes, but it was gone before he could place it.
"Let's eat."

He said as he let go of her to pull out a chair for her.

"So, how is this the first time anyone's ever done anything like this for you?" He asked her as they ate.

"Well I have this with Mia and Josie but outside them, there's no one."

"Ok, let's narrow it down. How come no man has ever done this for you?"

She thought about that for a second.
"I've been too busy." She said honestly "No time to do stuff like this."

"C'mon, what about in college?" He asked

"Same." She said, "I've just been so focused on making it big in the dance world, I haven't had time to take a step back and just do other stuff."

"So, you're career-driven." He said

"You could say that." She smiled "It makes it even more so because of how much I love it. It's my whole life."

Andre watched her as she spoke.
"You're almost there." He said and she looked up at him. She saw that he meant it.

"So, what about you?" She asked, "I don't know that much about you."

"Except for everything that Josie has told you."

Izzy smiled.
"She just likes to talk about you and Frederick."

"We couldn't get her to stop talking about you guys in College." He said, "She's just..."

" amazing friend."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"Anything about you, your family, your job."

"Well there's my mother who's amazing, she worked really hard to provide for my sister and I while growing up. Then there's my little sister who's in college, she's a trouble maker but I love her regardless. It's been tough for her and my mum with my dad's passing six months ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Izzy said, "How are you doing?"

Andre looked at her like she just asked a strange question.
"I don't understand."

Izzy took a moment to really look at him. She dropped her cutlery and reached out and placed her hand on top of his.
"You've been blocking it out." She stated. "Andre, you need to let it out or else it would eat you up from the inside out."

Andre stared at her.

Izzy covered his other hand with hers as she leaned forward.
"Take time off everything and just...grieve."

Andre pulled his hand away from beneath hers
"I don't know why I mentioned that." He said, "It isn't a topic for a second date."

Izzy sighed and pulled back sensing he didn't want to talk about it.
"I didn't know my father and my mum remarried. My step-father is amazing." She said, "I see them from time to time."

"Any siblings?" He asked

"I have an elder sister who lives in America. She visits during the holidays. Then a younger step-sister who lives with my mum and her dad in London." She paused then said, "You must be really close with your sister."

"I am." He smiled "She's a pain in my ass but she's incredible, smart also."

Their conversation went on and time went by without either one of them knowing.

Hey guys,

Happy New Month, first update since my exam and I hope you guys liked it.

My summer training started today, but I promise I'll try to put in a few updates at least twice or once a week. I'm gonna try.

Well, I look forward to getting this book completed. I've got a few hints planned for it.


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