Ch1|| Last day of Middle School ✔

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I finally culminated from Middle school just last week! You have no idea how much I've been waiting for these 3 years to go by. People claim Middle School is difficult.

Seriously people? Difficult? Middle School is basically Baby school. The work is too easy. Are the teachers even trying to teach? I honestly highly doubt it.

So that means I start High School next school year and I'm going to CHS. Ahhhhhh, I'm so EXCITED 😁😁😁

My best Friends Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Applejack, Sunset Shimmer, Pinkie Pie and Rarity are also going to the Same High School, which is good. For a while Rarity and Twi were thinking about going to Crystal Prep but we convinced them not to.

I know that High School will be awesome! It'll be way better than well......this. HAVE YOU SEEN THE P.E AREA

I mean, how am I suppose to play soccer?

 The dismissal bell to officially leave this place rings "321" I shout as I grab my pale blue backpack and put it behind my back because that's how backpacks are meant to be used for, Duh.

"Yes!!!! Im out!" I Run out of the classroom and go outside. I then run through the school campus then through the hallway and I never have to walk in that school again.

Then I realize I left Twi and AJ behind, but I mean.... I'm sure they'll catch up to me soon. SIKE! What? They are Slowpokes. I swear! Even If I was walking in slow motion, I'd still beat them.

LRainbow" The egghead shouts angrily 1000000 years later.... okay, maybe I exaggerated. 7 minutes later.

" You left us behind" Applejack said in her usual country accent.

" Well I'm the fastest runner and you two are well" I hesitate to finish the end of the sentence because what's the point? They already know what I mean.

"That's not true" AJ replies, annoyed and ready to dodo a re-match. Me and AJ are always competitive with each other.

" Yes it is AJ" I smirk

Applejack just rolls her eyes at me while Twilight accidentally  drops her books. Flash Sentury passes by and picks them up. #Awkward ...they have history, you know. Like Well.... you know

" here you go " he smiles, trying to pretend Twi is just a stranger and nothing else

"Uh thanks" Twilight turns away the opposite direction crossing her arms to show her anger towards him. Flash just walks away cause, well you get the point, Right?

" Dashie!!!!" a familiar voice shouts

" hi darlings" Rarity tells us as she tries to run in her heels.

" hi" we all say back.

It's Pinkie, Rares(her nickname), and Fluttershy(flutters). How did they get here before me? I don't understand 😓

" I can't believe middle school is done with!"Rarity tells us all

"Me either" Flutters whispers

" Well i am glad" I say in a certain voice

" You aré" everyone asks me with shock😱😱😱

" Yes.  Have you ever noticed the P.E área?"

Everyone shakes their head.

" don't worry. I understand. You guys are just not as sporty and athletic as me."

" Hello. Sorry that I got out late. I was taking photos of the school as a memory. " It was Sunset. I don't know why she's gonna miss this place though. This place holds some really bad memories for me"If I need reminding I know where I could find them. we got these memories to treasure. In these moments that'll last forever"

Sunset starts singing. I mean she literally does. I'm not so shocked, we girls always sing everyday. Like if its our role for a 3 minute shorts or something.

I see Thunderlane, my friend and inform my friends that I have to go." Ok Dashie" "You Go!" "Go ahead" I hear behind me.

Anyways I go to the crossing light where I see Thunderlane. 

" Hey Thunder" I wave.

" Hi Rainbow" he waves back.

" You never told me what High School you're going to you know"

" oh. Yeah."

" So tell me!"

" Well You're gonna be disappointed if I tell you."

" What do you mean"

" I'm going to Clouldsdale High School"

"What! You're not going to CHS!"

" I meant to tell you but I didn't want to ruin your day"

" There's no way to go to CHS"

"No. I live closer to Cloudsdale. You know that dash"

" Well I guess goodbye"

" Goodbye"

I walk away from the cross light with my head down. Then I bump into a orange girl wearing a black sweater with red flame designs in it s, Orange shirt with a symbol on it and gray pants.

" oh. Sorry." I tell the mysterious girl.

" It's alright" she fixes her hood to cover her front hairs.

I pause for a moment realizing that she looks awfully familiar " Wait, Have we met before"

" Names Spitfire" she takes off her hoodie of her head to reveal her face.

I gasp, full of shock " Don't you live-"

" Yes. I only live 3 houses away from you"

" Well I'm Rainbow Dash. Nice to meet you Spitfire even though we kinda met before"

" Yeah. I remember. It's not hard to forget a Rainbow haired girl. Well to some" Memories of him start rushing through my head. I'm trying so hard not to show my soft side, but it's hard. I look down to the floor with sad sad eyes

" Well I gotta get going home" Spitfire notices my face expression and gives me more information about... him "Incase you're wondering Soarin is going to Canterlot High also"

" I was not wondering about that at all."Pfft, I don't care about him anymore. After all he deserted me in the worst years of my life which is when I needed him the most!

" I'm going there too so maybe we could hang out" she adds, trying to change the uncomfortable topic.

" sure. Bye"

" bye"


Authors note

This book is my first Soarindash Fanfiction so please no hate 😭

This book was started in like July Of 2019 I believe so yeah... its bad. My writing seriously sucked back then. My writing has now improved, which is good, Right? Well sorta

I'm planning on editing all my spelling mistakes and add more details, make the chapters more longer. That sorta stuff.

Is this book under heavy editing, No. Not really

Anyways hope you like this book so far ♥♥♥♥♥♥

Go ahead and check out my other Soarindash book called "My Everything" if you want 😁

Oki, Sapphire out 💎💎💎

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