Chapter 9

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At the end of the week William was satisfied. Nothing serious was happening and his team managed to make a little progress in the search for Victor. Thanks to Eve they already knew his disappearance was down to Adam, so William had one more reason to deal with him at last, once and for all. He must be patient however.

When he was going to bed that night, his mind was calm and he was yawning terribly. He was expecting a dreamless sleep, but the reality was quite the opposite. Once again he was dragged into a dream, or rather nightmare that had been haunting him almost every other night.

Darkness, the blurred lights of traffic behind a window, like photos shot with a long exposure. There was an unpleasant mugginess in the taxi, which in fact wasn't a taxi. He had a horrible fear for a young woman who was unable to escape the slimy groping hands of unfamiliar male. He never saw his face or hers either actually, though her energy seemed familiar to him. As if he knew the woman. He must know her. Why else would these dreams be coming to him?

Sometimes he would receive random dreams from strangers, but recurring dreams could never be the product of such a coincidence. Someone was deliberately sending these dreams to him and he was like a TV receiver. He was tuned in to a nightmare that some poor woman was apparently having night after night, wearing her out and him too. He was sick of both the aggressor and the victim. After he awoke sat up in bed again catching his breath, his vision fell onto the nearby bed side cabinet where the fake business cards lay scattered. He remembered giving one of them to the girl from the shop with wrapping paper the other day – well, actually, from the wrapping service. She would certainly be angry if he called her kingdom a shop for wrapping paper. He smiled and visualised her face, her black eyes, her strange smile and her impenetrable resistance to his charisma. He tried to recall something from her energy or aura, but kept failing.

The answer was right under his nose, but he didn't have all the pieces to the puzzle just yet... 

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