"What makes you think you deserve an explanation?"

"Armand!" Nicolas growled over his shoulder, turned as if he were blocking the man's view of me. Peaking around Nicolas I saw the two of them exchanging hard looks before the brunette walked--stomped off. I couldn't help but watch him as he disappeared down the hall and then the stairs. There was something familiar about him but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Something within me holds an ounce of humor at the way he walked away, feeling like this is the usual for him; a child like tantrum.

Nicolas grabbed my hand pulling me forward. On our way into the room Roland was making his way out and also shared a look with him. I wanted to--need to thank him for saving me. I don't know how he defeated that monster or what the outcome was but I'm secretly thankful that he came to my rescue. Once the door shut behind us I was led to a comfortable lounge chair angled slightly in front of a modern fireplace. Instead of leaning back in it like I was tempted to I sat down on the edge of it with my hands tucked into my lap. I haven't forgotten about the ruthless way he killed that guy so being closed off in a room with him isn't ideal. If I have to run, I need to be able to and relaxing in this plush chair definitely won't allow that.

"I'm going to repeat that question and ask you how much you heard, Rayne."

A shiver ran down my spine and I swallowed hard. "I--that--I really don't know. I heard you mention a wife and th--they want you to give up something." Nicolas nodded as he turned toward the fire and lowered his head just as he had when I was watching from the door. It was just as evident then as it is now that he is still in pain but that instills even more fear in me that I'm in the presence of a crazy man. People tend to be very irrational when it comes to bottled feelings and those of sadness and I really don't want to be on the receiving end of that. Putting the desire to run away aside, I need to be calm and ask him the only question that really matters. "What's going on Nicolas, really?"

I heard yet another frustrated sigh over the crackling of the fire. "It's a long story and you're not going to believe me."

"Try me!" I countered immediately, anxious to get to the truth...his truth. Nicolas faced me, took the few steps needing to close the gap between us then knelt down placing both his hands on my knees.

"When I first came to this country I met a beautiful french girl named Simone who consumed me completely. I was in love right away and she," he paused for a moment and smiled, "was too much of a free spirit to be held back by any man. It took a long time but I finally got her to love me back. I had my land," he waved his hand motioning around the room, "my title as Spanish royalty, and the love of my life! I was the happiest man in the world with Simone as my wife and my child growing in her belly but as she neared the end of the pregnancy she came down with a fever that would not break. No one wanted to admit it but we knew she wouldn't make it through the birth. Her days were spent sleeping and when she was awake her eyes were dull and weak. A few nights before she went into labor I was visited by a man that I'd been previously acquainted with; Vlad Dracos is what he called himself. He told me that he could save Simone from death but I did not believe him. I had every known doctor in the area come with herbs and medicines but none of them helped even a little bit so how could he. The night Simone gave birth I was desperate. I went to Vlad and asked to prove that he could help. I wanted to be sure that I was not submitting my love to more pain than she was already in or putting her through something that could otherwise harm her."

Nicolas looked away, stood and began pacing the space in front of the fireplace. I could tell as he drew closer and closer to those last words that his emotions were trying to push through and he was trying his damnedest to fight them off. Part of me wanted to tell him he didn't have to continue but I need to know, have to know what any of this has to do with me.

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